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Personal Narrative: My First Tennis

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To win a state championship, to suddenly come to the realization that all of ones practice, hard work, and dedication has paid off and to realize that ones dreams have been transformed into a reality is a truly wonderful experience.
I could begin the story with my first tennis lesson, at age five, however, I’m going to fast forward to tennis season my Sophomore year. Our lineup was the same as the previous year except for one addition, a seventh grader named Nicola. She played the number two position on the team. This shifted everyone down a position. In high school tennis, number three, the third best player on our team, plays the third best player on our opponents team. Nicola’s addition to the team caused our number three player from the previous year to play as number four. We won first place at sectionals, and we got great draws at state. …show more content…
As we totaled up our points from the day it became clear that only one thing stood in our way from winning the State Championship, Montgomery Academy, also known as MA. Montgomery Academy is by far the most intimidating team we play in high school tennis. Four of MA’s six starters were seniors who had won a state title for five years in a row. We were a little scared to say the least. However, we got on the court and played the best we could. Sweat poured down our red face as we tried to catch our breath. Between matches we completed homework assignments and studied for the tests we had to makeup the next day even though we were exhausted. We gave it everything but it just wasn’t enough. After receiving the second place trophy we couldn’t help but think about next

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