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Critical Skills Retention Bonus Report

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SUBJECT: Critical skill retention bonus

1. Purpose: To provide guidance on critical skills retention bonus

2. Facts:

a. Effective 30 November 2012 and expire 31 December 2012.

b. This bonus is only for Soldiers in the career management field (CMF) 18 that is serving in appropriate grade. Soldiers must possess 19 to 23 applicable total years of active federal service (TAFS).

c. Soldiers currently serving on a critical skills retention bonus (CSRB) commitment, who are eligible to complete no more than 25 years of service is eligible. Command Sergeants Major who possess a secondary MOS of 18Z may also be eligible.

d. Soldiers in the grade E7 can sign up for 2 to 4 years. For 2 years, Soldiers would receive $18,000. 3 years

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