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Monotheism: The Abrahamic Religion In The World

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Essay on Monotheism

With all of the religions in the world, the most conflict seems to arise out of turmoil between three; Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. These are often referred as the Abrahamic religions and are the ones we are most familiar with. Many see them as three separate religions entirely, and forget that they all originate from one source. The religions also share very similar belief systems as well with occasions beliefs differing in sections. To truly understand how all three are connected, you must first travel back in time to the Middle-East. Judaism is the eldest of the three Abrahamic religions and, according to Pg. 251 in the book, was created by the principle prophet of Judaism, Abraham, between 1900-1700 B.C.E. the religion was originally in Egypt but then escaped to modern day Jerusalem, which means, “City of Peace. The religion then grew further under the rule of …show more content…
the Prophet Muhammad was born, and forty years later the revelation of the Qur’an would begin. He would partake in the very first Hijrah from Mecca to Medina but would later return to Mecca in 630 C.E. after creating a constitution in which modern Islam in still based off of today. The return to Mecca was not a peaceful one, as Muhammad and his followers had to lead several raids on the city until it was eventually destroyed. This happened after Mecca declared war on Medina and Muhamad was successful, according to the Qur’an, because god sent thousands of angels to help him. The period in which Islam actually grew happened after the death of Muhammad and happened after the election of Abu Bakr as the first Caliph, a position in which the person given the title is seen as the successor to the prophet Muhamad. The beginning of the spread of island is often accredited as staring in 633 C.E. and the Qur’an would later be put to text in 650 C.E. The knowledge of all of these religions and their beginning is immensely important when one starts to relate them

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