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Sled Dog Research Paper

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"The founder Joe Redingtion first came to Knik, Alaska on June 2, 1948 with $18 in his pocket" (Bowers). He left his home in Pennsylvania. When Joe crossed to the Alaskan border someone gave him a sled dog pup and maybe it was a sign that he would start a sled dog race says Don Bowers on Iditarod history web page, 25 years later the race was started in 1973 when they first ran to Nome. The two reasons starting this race and they were to save sled dog culture and Alaskan Huskies because the launch of snowmobiles and in Alaska would make Alaskan huskies phase out of existence, and to preserve the Historical Iditarod trail between Seward and Nome said Joe Redington in Don Bowers document. The race has become so well known that now the mushers get more money and are sponsored. Since 1973 the race has gotten big every year but even though they had some money problems says Don Bowers on Iditarod History page.

Sled dogs were important in transportation in arctic areas. They would haul supplies that were not accessible by other methods. Sled dogs are still used by some rural communities like areas of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland they are used for recreational purposes, and are raced in events like the Iditarod, …show more content…
Before races they need to be fed nutrition to do good on the track and have energy. Each dog has a position on the team like any other team sport, the positions are lead, swing, team, wheel. So the the lead are the dogs in front they apply the mushers commands and ensure the right direction, next the swing dogs are to ensure the team dogs follows turns that the lead dogs make, and next is the team dogs and they pull the sled and help maintain the speed, and finally the swing dogs are for the hard part of pulling and steering the sled, from Emily M. Eng on National Geographic google picture of "what makes a great sled

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