...Nicolous S. Abarca BSA 1-28 Japanese Manga and Anime Japanese culture has its own unique forms of comic books and animation. Manga (comic books) and anime (animation) are extremely popular in Japan. The earliest animation that is known to have been created in Japan was released in 1917. This early cartoon featured a samurai testing a sword and being defeated. Japanese animation pioneers included Seitarō Kitayama, Jun'ichi Kouchi, and Shimokawa Oten. The modern style of anime was developed during the 1960s. One of the most influential artists is Osamu Tezuka. He followed the example set by Walt Disney's popular animated films and simplified the techniques they pioneered to save time and money. Today's anime is both generated by computers and drawn by hand. All genres are represented, but science fiction is by far the most popular. Robots, post-apocalyptic metropolises, and motorcycles are all staples of the art form. Manga features similar content. During the decade of the 1970s, manga experienced a drastic increase in popularity, and many of the books were adapted into anime. Tezuka continued to shape the manga and anime industries over the years. Many of the common characters, like giant robots, come from his influence. Giant robots were further developed by Go Nagai and other animators into a new genre called Super Robot. This genre evolved through the work of Yoshiyuki Tomino and became known as Real Robot. The 1980s brought many classic animes in this genre, like...
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