Premium Essay

Blue Ocean


Submitted By destinyrene1987
Words 849
Pages 4
The Blue Ocean strategy in marketing is a unique approach to building a customer base. Instead of trying to compete in an overcrowded marketplace with existing companies, a Blue Ocean strategy seeks to build an entirely new market area. With the rapid growth of technology and globalization, the importance of a Blue Ocean strategy has grown in recent years. The “Blue Ocean strategy” is a term that originated from the 2005 book, The Blue Ocean Strategy, by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne that describes the opportunities of vast, untapped market spaces, or "Blue Oceans," that can be developed by expanding market boundaries or launching new industries. The concept of "Blue Ocean strategy" was first acknowledged by the business world in 2005 when the correspondence was initially released. In essence, Blue Oceans are associated with high potential profits. Since it’s released it has been translated in 43 languages. The authors discuss the benefits for business owners to leave the Red Ocean, characterized by the bloody, shark-infested waters of competition, and enter the Blue Ocean, where there is no competition and limitless space to create something new. According to inserts found throughout the book, it is important to evaluate your business to determine whether you should rethink your market strategy and enter the "Blue Ocean."
The most important feature of Blue Ocean strategy is that it disregards the basic principles of conventional strategy: that a trade-off exists between value and cost. According to this thesis, companies can either create greater value for customers at a higher cost or create reasonable value at a lower cost. In other words, strategy is essentially a choice between differentiation and low cost. But when it comes to creating Blue Oceans, the evidence shows that successful companies pursue differentiation and low cost simultaneously. The book is

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