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A Thousand Splendid Sun Conflict Analysis

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Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument,typically a potrated one. In the first part of Khalid Hosseini’s.A Thousand Splendid Sun,Mariam is subjected to a lot of conflict.The first conflict that she had was she dropped the bowl and her mom called her a harami as quoted on page twenty seven”How dare you abandon me like this you treacherous little harami!”She started telling her a lot of bad things about her father as if she should not trust him.Her mom also told her if she left with her dad, she would kill herself,quotes “I’m all you have in this world Mariam ,and when I’m gone you’ll have nothing. You’ll have nothing. You are nothing!” But Mariam really wanted to go with her dad so Mariam lefted with her dad and her mother committed

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