...safety and soundness in the financial system with Basel 2 utilize approaches to capital adequacy that are appropriately sensitive to the degree of risk involved in a banks’ positions and activities. These approaches –and especially the one to measure credit risk- will require information from external credit assessment institution and information collected by banks about their borrowers creditworthiness. Maher Hasan Central Bank of Jordan To be presented in the Credit Alliance/ Information Alliance Regional Meeting in Amman 3-4 April 2002 1. Introduction The soundness of the banking system is one of the most important issues for the regulatory authorities. There are two main questions facing the regularity authorities regarding this issue: First, How should banking “soundness” be defined and measured? Second, What should be the minimum level of soundness set by regulators? The soundness of a bank can be defined as the likelihood of a bank becoming insolvent (Greenspan 1998). The lower this likelihood the higher is the soundness of a bank. Bank capital essentially provides a cushion against failure. If bank losses exceed bank capital the bank will become capital insolvent. Thus, the higher the bank capital the higher is the solvency of a bank. Up until the 1990s bank regulator based their capital adequacy policy principally on the simple leverage ratio defined as: Leverage Ratio = Capital Total Assets (1) The larger this ratio, the larger is the cushion against...
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...Basel Committee on Banking Supervision International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards A Revised Framework Comprehensive Version This document is a compilation of the June 2004 Basel II Framework, the elements of the 1988 Accord that were not revised during the Basel II process, the 1996 Amendment to the Capital Accord to Incorporate Market Risks, and the 2005 paper on the Application of Basel II to Trading Activities and the Treatment of Double Default Effects. No new elements have been introduced in this compilation. June 2006 Requests for copies of publications, or for additions/changes to the mailing list, should be sent to: Bank for International Settlements Press & Communications CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland E-mail: publications@bis.org Fax: +41 61 280 9100 and +41 61 280 8100 © Bank for International Settlements 2006. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced or translated provided the source is stated. ISBN print: 92-9131-720-9 ISBN web: 92-9197-720-9 Contents Introduction ...............................................................................................................................1 Structure of this document........................................................................................................6 Part 1: Scope of Application .....................................................................................................7 I. Introduction.....................
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...Guideline of Basel-II implementation BaselCounter Party Rating by ECAI in determining Capital Adequacy of Corporate 5. How to face ECAI by counter parties for good rating 6. Question and Answer 3 Basel Vs. Risk Management • Basel from the view point of Risk Management • Relating to Capital Adequacy of Banks • Reflecting Risk management in Operation of Banks/FIs 4 Risk Management in Banks- Why? © Banks are highly leveraged. © Bank Directors and Senior Management are the agent of shareholders. © International survey reveals that the the Bank Management does not adequately consider the risk management information in strategic decision making. 5 CEO and Directors of Financial Institutions are currently facing … Two Major Challenges 6 Two Challenges First v Creation of Value for the Shareholders v Need to deliver ever increasing returns as per the Expectation of the shareholders Second Keep the Capital without Erosion 7 First Challenge Senior management believes that Superior Risk Management can create value to the shareholders But not Sure - HOW. 84% of the managers believe that the risk management can improve price earning ratios and reduce cost of capital which again suggests that there is a clear link between Risk Management and Shareholders value. 8 Second Challenge The Regulators so far managed the risk by requiring the banks to reserve regulatory capital based on strategic formulas. Such formula is appeared to be not appropriate under...
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...management In this section a summarized position of various risks facing DBBL while conducting its business and operations and steps taken by the Bank to effectively manage and mitigate such risks are discussed. RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Risk is defined by DBBL as risk of potential losses or foregone profits that can be triggered by internal and external factors. Therefore, the objectives of risk management are identification of potential risks in our operations and transactions, in our assets, liabilities, income, cost and off-balance sheet exposures and independent measurement and assessment of such risks and taking timely and adequate measures to manage and mitigate such risks within a risk-return framework. In DBBL, only calculated risks are taken while conducting banking business to strike a balance between risk and return. Risk is clearly identified, mitigated or minimized and if possible eliminated to protect capital and to maximize value for shareholders. It is also ensured that on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet risks taken by the Bank are consistent with risk appetite and short term as well as long term strategic objectives of the Bank. A wide range of tools and techniques are used to address & mitigate all kinds of inherent and potential risks in banking operations. The Bank attaches highest priority to establish, maintain and upgrade risk management infrastructure, systems and procedures. In this regard, sufficient resources are...
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...with different risks. 4. In banking, the risk is the possibility that a borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with the agreed terms, both in terms of time and quantity. 5. Risk does not come alone – the default of one firm may cripple affiliated firms such as suppliers, customers and banks. RISK MANAGEMENT: 1. Risk Management is a planned method of dealing with the potential loss or damage. It is an ongoing process of risk appraisal through various methods and tools. 2. Risk Management involves not only to protect oneself against some risks but also to decide which risks are to be exploited and how to exploit them. 3. Risk Management covers credit decision making, performance assessment, pricing, capital computation, provisioning etc. 4. Risk Management covers the following: a. It assesses what could go wrong b. It determines which risks are important to be dealt with c. It implements strategies to deal with those risks. 5. Risk Management is not – d. A guarantee to avoid all future losses e. Limited to compliance and disclosure requirements f. A method to eliminate all risks g. A substitute for internal controls to detect fraud etc. BASEL ACCORD: 1. In 1988, Basel I accord was introduced with the central focus on credit risk. 2. In 1996, Basel I was modified to include Market Risks. 3. In 2004,...
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...objective of risk management is not to prohibit or prevent risk taking activity, but to ensure that the risks are consciously taken with full knowledge, purpose and clear understanding so that it can be measured and mitigated. It also prevents an institution from suffering unacceptable loss causing an institution to suffer or materially damage its competitive position. Functions of risk management should actually be bank specific dictated by the size and quality of balance sheet, complexity of functions, technical/ professional manpower and the status of MIS in place in that bank. 1.2 INTRODUCTION Risk: the meaning of ‘Risk’ as per Webster’s comprehensive dictionary is “a chance of encountering harm or loss, hazard, danger” or “to expose to a chance of injury or loss”. Thus, something that has potential to cause harm or loss to one or more planned objectives is called Risk. The word risk is derived from an Italian word “Risicare” which means “To Dare”. It is an expression of danger of an adverse deviation in the actual result from any expected result. Banks for International Settlement (BIS) has defined it as- “Risk is the threat that an event or action will adversely affect an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives and successfully execute its strategies.” Risk Management: Risk Management is a planned method of dealing with the potential loss or damage. It is an ongoing process of risk appraisal through various methods and tools which continuously • Assess...
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...objective of risk management is not to prohibit or prevent risk taking activity, but to ensure that the risks are consciously taken with full knowledge, purpose and clear understanding so that it can be measured and mitigated. It also prevents an institution from suffering unacceptable loss causing an institution to suffer or materially damage its competitive position. Functions of risk management should actually be bank specific dictated by the size and quality of balance sheet, complexity of functions, technical/ professional manpower and the status of MIS in place in that bank. 1.2 INTRODUCTION Risk: the meaning of ‘Risk’ as per Webster’s comprehensive dictionary is “a chance of encountering harm or loss, hazard, danger” or “to expose to a chance of injury or loss”. Thus, something that has potential to cause harm or loss to one or more planned objectives is called Risk. The word risk is derived from an Italian word “Risicare” which means “To Dare”. It is an expression of danger of an adverse deviation in the actual result from any expected result. Banks for International Settlement (BIS) has defined it as- “Risk is the threat that an event or action will adversely affect an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives and successfully execute its strategies.” Risk Management: Risk Management is a planned method of dealing with the potential loss or damage. It is an ongoing process of risk appraisal through various methods and tools which continuously • Assess...
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...Central Bank Governors and Heads of Banking Supervision of the Group of Ten countries. It presents the outcome of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s work over recent years to secure international convergence on revisions to supervisory regulations governing the capital adequacy of internationally active banks. Following the publication of the Committee’s first round of proposals for revising the capital adequacy framework in June 1999, an extensive consultative process was set in train in all member countries and the proposals were also circulated to supervisory authorities worldwide. The Committee subsequently released additional proposals for consultation in January 2001 and April 2003 and furthermore conducted three quantitative impact studies related to its proposals. As a result of these efforts, many valuable improvements have been made to the original proposals. The present paper is now a statement of the Committee agreed by all its members. It sets out the details of the agreed Framework for measuring capital adequacy and the minimum standard to be achieved which the national supervisory authorities represented on the Committee will propose for adoption in their respective countries. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is a committee of banking supervisory authorities that was established by the central bank governors of the Group of Ten countries in 1975. It consists of senior representatives of bank supervisory authorities and central banks from Belgium...
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...and Implementation Approaches for Banks in India KPMG IN INDIA Foreword I am very happy to note that KPMG in India is releasing a specific publication for the Indian banking sector titled 'IFRS Convergence: Challenges and Implementation Approaches for Banks in India', on the occasion of the IBA/KPMG conference on 'IFRS: Developing a Roadmap to Convergence for the Indian Banking Industry'. The proposed convergence with IFRS is likely to create significant challenges. Most importantly, the initial and ongoing IFRS convergence will affect reported networth, available capital and capital adequacy for Indian banks. In view of the above, the release of this publication could not have been better timed. Through this publication, KPMG has provided a good perspective of some key areas which would impact the banking sector in India on their road to IFRS convergence. Further, the publication also brings out the specific challenges, particularly for the banking sector in India and the approach that the banks need to follow for successful implementation. Banks in India need to start thinking through the challenges and develop a roadmap for successful convergence at the earliest. I am hopeful that the publication will be able to ignite thoughts in today's bankers to be prepared for the IFRS reporting framework tomorrow. Dr K Ramakrishnan Chief Executive Indian Banks’ Association IFRS Convergence: Challenges and Implementation Approaches for Banks in India In line with the global...
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...Appendix A BANK ALFALAH LIMITED – BANGLADESH BASEL II DISCLOSURES UNDER PILLAR-III BASED ON 31 DECEMBER 2011 These qualitative and quantitative disclosures have been made in accordance with Bangladesh Bank BRPD Circular no. 10 dated 10 March 2010 and BRPD Circular no. 24 dated 3 August 2010. The purpose is to comply with the requirement for having adequate capital and the Supervisory review process under Pillar II. These disclosures are intended to assess information about the Banks exposure to various risks. 1 Capital Adequacy Ratio - As per BASEL II In terms of aforesaid Circular, available capital of the Bank is Taka 4,726,843,656 (Core capital Taka 4,641,622,449 and Supplementary Capital Taka 85,221,207) as against a minimum capital requirement of Taka 4,000,000,000 or 773,244,707 (10% of RWA as per Basel-II) whichever is higher at the close of business on 31 December 2011 thus resulting in surplus capital of Taka 726,843,656 at that date. Details are shown below: a) Core capital (Tier I) Fully Paid-up Capital/Capital Deposited with Bangladesh Bank (BB) Statutory Reserve Non-repayable share premium account General Reserve Retained earnings Minority interest in Subsidiaries Non-Cumulative irredeemable Preferences shares Dividend Equalization Account Deductions from Tier-1 (Core Capital): Book value of Goodwill Shortfall in provisions required against classified assets irrespective of any Deficit on account of revaluation of investment in AFS category Any investment in TFCs...
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...≈√ F M A G u i d e l i n e s on Operational Risk Management These guidelines were prepared by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank in cooperation with the Financial Market Authority Published by: Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) Praterstraße 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria Produced by: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Editor in chief: Günther Thonabauer, Communications Division (OeNB) Barbara Nösslinger, Staff Department for Executive Board Affairs and Public Relations (FMA) Editorial processings: Chapter I and III: Roman Buchelt, Stefan Unteregger (OeNB) Chapter II and IV: Wolfgang Fend, Radoslaw Zwizlo, Johannes Lutz (FMA) Design: Peter Buchegger, Communications Division (OeNB) Typesetting, printing and production: OeNB Printing Office Published and printed at: Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Inquiries: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Communications Division Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Postal address: Post Office Box 61, 1011Vienna, Austria Phone (+43-1) 40420-6666 Telefax (+43-1) 40420-6696 Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) Executive Board Affairs & Public Relations Division Praterstraße 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria Phone (+43-1) 24959-5100 Orders: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Documentation Management and Communications Services Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Postal address: Post Office Box 61, 1011Vienna, Austria Phone...
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...Research Title Basel II Capital Accord and implementation implications in Albania Prepared: Elda Lila Mentor : Professor William Handorf, Ph.D., July 2007 Abstract: Basel II Capital Accord and implementation implications in Albania 2 Abstract: Basel II Capital Accord and implementation implications in Albania 2 I. What is New Basel Capital Accord and its Evolution 4 II. Adoption of Basel II 5 BCBS Countries 5 In Other Countries 6 Banking Supervision Improvement Priorities 6 III. History of Banking Supervision in Albania (Banking System in Albania and Supervisory Process. 7 IV. Three Pillars of Basel II and the implications related to the implementation in Albania: 10 1.Pillar 1 – Capital Defined 11 1.1 Pillar 1 – Credit Risk 11 1.2 Pillar 1 – Market Risk 15 1.3 Pillar 1 – Operational Risk 16 2. Pillar 2 – The Supervisory Review Process 16 3. Pillar 3 – Market Disclosure 18 V. Reference List 21 Abstract: Basel II Capital Accord and implementation implications in Albania I. The first part is concentrated in what is new Basel Capital Accord and its Evolution. Supervisors have long sought to ensure that banks maintain adequate capital to cover all risks. In 1988, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision agreed the 'International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards', more commonly known as the Basel Capital Accord which in most countries is fully implemented...
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...≈√ Guidelines on Credit Risk Management C r e d i t A p p r ova l P r o c e s s and Credit Risk Management These guidelines were prepared by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) in cooperation with the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Published by: Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) Otto Wagner Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) Praterstrasse 23, 1020 Vienna, Austria Produced by: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Editor in chief: Gunther Thonabauer, Secretariat of the Governing Board and Public Relations (OeNB) ‹ Barbara Nosslinger, Staff Department for Executive Board Affairs and Public Relations (FMA) ‹ Editorial processing: Gabriela de Raaij, Heidi Koller, Markus Lietz, Wolfgang Spacil, Doris Wanka (all OeNB) Ursula Hauser-Rethaller, Karin Zartl (all FMA) Design: Peter Buchegger, Secretariat of the Governing Board and Public Relations (OeNB) Typesetting, printing, and production: OeNB Printing Office Published and produced at: Otto Wagner Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Inquiries: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Secretariat of the Governing Board and Public Relations Otto Wagner Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Postal address: PO Box 61, 1011 Vienna, Austria Phone: (+43-1) 40 420-6666 Fax: (+43-1) 404 20-6696 Orders: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Documentation Management and Communication Systems Otto Wagner Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Postal address: PO Box 61, 1011 Vienna, Austria Phone: (+43-1)...
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...decreases or the percentage of non-performing loans increases a deduction from capital is take in an equal amount to restore the balance. Thus, capital acts as a source of funds to bear risks and absorb losses, covering any imbalance caused by a fall in the value of assets. * The level of capital funds required to support the institutional structure and to provide protection against unanticipated and excessive losses is known as capital adequacy * Capital adequacy is the most crucial element within bank supervisory systems * Systemic risk or the contagion effect means failure of one bank leads to possible collapse of several other financial institutions. * A liquidator is the officer appointed when a company goes into winding-up or liquidation who has responsibility for collecting in all of the assets of the company and settling all claims against the company before putting the company into dissolution * G-10 countries include Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, The United Kingdom and The United States. * G-10 countries along with Luxembourg , formed the “Basel Committee on Banking Supervision “ (BCBS) under the aegis of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel for laying down the standards for banking regulations. This was because of the failure of German bank Herstatt in 1974 which was an under capitalized bank. * In July 1988, the Basel...
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...Basel II to Basel III: Changes and Requirements Hesham Hamdy Chief Risk Officer, Arab International Bank Nairobi, 7-8 March 2012 Basel; what is it? • A New Standard for the Measurement of Risks in Banks, and for the Allocation of Capital to cover those risks, published by the Basel Committee of G10 Central Banks. • What Does Basel Committee Do? - Acts as Think-Tank for banking regulators - Issues guidance on best practice for banks - Standards accepted worldwide - Generally incorporated in national banking regulations Basel I • Basel I was the round of deliberations by central banks from around the world, and in 1988, the Basel Committee (BCBS) in Basel, Switzerland, published a set of minimum capital requirements for banks. This was known as the 1988 Basel Accord, and was enforced by law in the Group of Ten (G-10) countries in 1992 . • Basel I primarily focused on credit risk. Assets of banks were classified and grouped in five categories according to credit risk, carrying risk weights of zero (for example home country sovereign debt), ten, twenty, fifty, and up to one hundred percent (this category has, as an example, most corporate debt). Basel I (continued) • Banks with international presence were required to hold capital equal to 8 % of the risk-weighted assets. • Basel I was then widely viewed as outmoded because the world has changed as financial corporations, financial innovation and risk management have developed. Therefore, a more comprehensive set of...
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