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Internal Control and Other Risk


Submitted By Darkgreen
Words 1154
Pages 5
Running Title: Internal Control and Other Risk

Internal Control and Other Risk University of Phoenix

Internal Control and Other Risk Kudler Fine Food is very concern with the company internal control and risk evaluation. The company has put much time and money into ensuring Kudler is well protected. The company has hired an accountant firm to ensure the company has covered all their bases in dealing with risk an internal control. The company is fully concerns with making the most of what technology has to offer them as a company. Management needs an analysis on the risks in the system, which also identify of the risks and internal control points, which should be incorporate through the controls and risks into the flowcharts. The flowchart has been design to include and mitigate the risks associate with internal controls. An evaluation relate to the application concerning the system internal controls will be review and a full discussion of the other controls that may be need which are outside the system. Analyze Risk in the System The first risks in the system that was identified as directly related to software that would provide much more control over Kudler financial information. However, risks are simply known as a negative event or occurring within a company’s productivity. However, internal controls are the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that the company put in place to control, combat, and reduce any unforeseen occurrences. However, Team C has evaluated and incorporates many new controls into their flowchart design.

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