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International Business Case Analysis


Submitted By arvidielis
Words 667
Pages 3

SCHOOL YEAR 2015/2016


1. Which segments does the company serve?

Segments plays relevant role in our life. This company serve few of them.
Firstly, this company serve geographical segmentation, as it said in the case products are distributed to 21 countries. Salesman are employed fulltime by Vipp, and they telling the story of Vipp, because the product is branded by the story of Vipp. Also each salesman is responsible for a specific market and travels frequently to current and potential customers. So, as these products are distributed to 21 countries, this company serve geographical segment.
Secondly, this company serve demographic segmentation, as the prices for waste bin is high and ranges from (€175-250) and toilet brush costs €120. As the prices is high, so these products are for people who have high income, so it’s segmented by income and it’s demographic segment.
Lastly, this company serve psychographic segmentation, these products are branded by the story of Vipp. And the story is very important. Vipp is selling not just a bin, but they selling image, with its appealing design it creates atmosphere of design in the entire house. So psychographic segment is also used here.

2. Choose the market(s) you want to enter with VIPP products and explain why?
In my opinion very good market for Vipp products would be Luxembourg, Vipp products are excellent, there are no one who doing same as this company. Because the products is unique. Why Luxembourg? Luxembourg is rich country, with very high GDP, and their income allows them to buy high price products as Vipp creates. Also people from here care about design and people from there don’t buy low-cost products. And I think to enter Luxembourg market it would be perfect for Vipp, and they can grow easily here.

3. Propose an alternative

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