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International Financial Financial Reporting Standards


Submitted By Bonsu
Words 5707
Pages 23
This standard regulates the measurement, recognition, derecognition and disclosure requirements of non-current assets and its related expenditure or income in the financial statements. It also defines the scope of it by stating clearly all assets falling within it.

1.1. Definition
Property, plant and equipment refer to all tangible non-current assets used in the production or supply of goods and services, for administrative purpose or for rental to others.

This definition emphasizes 4 important features of assets qualifying as PPE.

a) They are tangible non-current assets. This creates the delineation well excluding clearly any asset that does not have physical appearance or used in the working capital cycle or to be realized just in the following year.

b) Used in the production of goods and services. Also PPE are involved in the production process like machines or they are used to supply the goods after production has been made like motor vehicles.

c) For administrative purpose.PPE again help businesses to carry out their official duties. For instance staff use cars of the company in their activities of the organization or this can be used as a place of conducting daily operations like building.

d) Used for rental purpose.PPE are also used to earn investment income.i.e by giving it out for hiring for others to use (but excludes land and building for capital appreciation or hiring purposes)

1.2 Measurement
This refers to placing a value on the transaction to qualify as an element of financial statement.1AS 16 allows two ways of measuring PPE. They are;

* Cost model- This is where the PPE is measured at its historical cost and as historical cost accounting demands through matching concept, the historical cost is depreciated over the estimated useful life of the asset.
According to the standard PPE when

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