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International Marketing


Submitted By nkwontum
Words 4020
Pages 17
International Paper: Combining Industry and Social Responsibility

Marketing 406
Roosevelt University
December 6, 2014

Natalie Mierzynska, Sujatha Lekshmivaragan, Dmitry Rozental, Ebuka Nkwonta

Table of Contents

Background 2 Objectives 4 Procedures 4 Summary of Findings 4 Detailed Findings 6 Defying Common Criticisms 6 Integrating Sustainability Principles 8 “Greening” and Beyond 11 Enlightened Marketing 14 Social Responsibility & Financial Success 15 Conclusion 16 Works Cited 18


International Paper (IP) is the global leader in the production and distribution of paper and packaging products ( It was founded more than 110 years ago, and produces products that we use every day including various types of paper, consumer packaging, pulp, recycling, and industrial packaging. The company’s stock symbol is IP, and a share of IP stock currently sells at around $53/share. IP is currently headquartered in Memphis Tennessee, and employs over 62,000 people (Kotler & Armstrong, 607). Last year, the company sold over $26 billion worth of product, placing it 111th on the Fortune 500.

From a consumer perspective, when a multi-billion dollar producer of paper and packaging products comes to mind, we automatically assume that the company produces a large amount of pollution and destroys forests all over the world. However, International Paper prides itself on being on top of Fortune Magazine’s “Most Admired Companies” (Kotler & Armstrong 607). The reason for this recognition is due to the company’s continued social responsibility efforts and initiatives. IP’s vision is “to be one of the most respected and successful companies in the world” ( The corporation has created a strong culture of accountability that works to implement strategies surrounding

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