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Internet Censorship Harmful

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The internet is a widespread source of unlimited information, accessed and dispersed by billions of people around the world. The suppression and prohibition of certain information being produced or acquired by the public is called internet censorship, which is regulated by the government and private organizations. Internet censorship is a good thing because it protects us through reducing threats to national safety and stability. Internet censorship strengthens national safety and stability. General safety and stability worldwide is vulnerable to illicit and unsafe online practices. For example, online dispersion of illegal drugs provides mass access of illegitimate or toxic narcotics to potentially unknowing consumers that can have tragic …show more content…
Hate speech is another widespread threat, in which online censorship is beneficial to universal stability. This term describes speech or writing that attacks a specific group depending on qualities such as race, religion, and sexual orientation. Terrorist created websites inviting unsuspecting people to join their cause, or articles promoting racism against black people are examples of online forms featuring hateful ideology. The government and many independent organizations actively monitor and delete hate speech to help prevent abusive and prejudiced information from spreading and misleading the public, along with protecting targeted groups constitutional right of respect. Lastly, the public is protected with internet censorship through filtering out inappropriate and disturbing information. Certain sensitive content can promote unhealthy and dangerous ideas to susceptible people. This can be shown by self harm or drug use tutorials that may be published with platforms such as social media, videos, and other independent websites. An example of this is when uncensored websites explaining different ways to commit suicide are viewed by vulnerable people, which may increase suicide rates. Censorship can prevent this type of content from

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