...Research & Writing II Does the internet provide grounds for a more independent public sphere Name: Christian Michael Kramer Student ID: 6050586 E-mail address: cm.kramer.student@maastrichtuniversity.nl Course code: ACU2900 Group Number: 07 Tutor: Ruud Hendriks Assignment name: Exam Assignment: 00 Attempt: Regular Academic year: 20132014 Date: 31.1.2014 Words: 4034 Filename: 20132014-ACU2900-00-REGULAR-6050586.pdf I Contents Page I: List Of Contents Page II: Introduction Page III: Problems with mass media Page V: Can the internet as we know it today be a remedy for these problems? Page VI: Activism & the Internet Page IX: Conclusion: What does that mean for society? Page XI: Bibliography II Introduction In the last decades one cannot but see that the distribution of the internet was more than rapid and by now influences the daily life of billions of people. According to the internet journal ZDNet, the number of people who use the internet amounts to 2,1 billion people worldwide. The number of websites is continuously growing every year. This has an impact on many aspects of life. Writing emails, reading online journals, being active on social media platforms and going shopping online belongs to the daily routine of many people nowadays. Manuel Castells describes the era we are experiencing right now as the time of the 'Network Society'. In this society the exchange and currency of information is broader, faster and more varied than ever. This affects not only private...
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...NAMA : ERLY JANATANPM: 1106037826MATA KULIAH : DINAMIKAMASYARAKAT INTERNASIONALPASCA SARJANA HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA | | ------------------------------------------------- PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI INTERNET SEBAGAI PUBLIC SPHERE DALAM GERAKAN DEMOKRATISASI DI RUSIA LATAR BELAKANG Pada bulan Desember 2011, lebih dari 100.000 orang berkumpul di Sakharov Avenue, Moskow untuk menyuarakan reformasi demokratis di Rusia. Ini merupakan demonstrasi terbesar sejak runtuhnya Uni Soviet sekitar dua dasawarsa lalu. Mereka yang berkumpul dan datang dari berbagai strata sosial ini menyerukan “Russia tanpa Putin”, hal ini dipicu oleh kecurangan yang disinyalir terjadi pada pemilihan parlemen tanggal 4 Desember 2011. Demonstrasi ini menarik karena gerakan tersebut bukanlah gerakan yang diorganisir oleh partai politik ataupun organisasi masyarakat. Berkumpulnya ratusan ribu demonstran yang umumnya kaum muda berpendidikan dan berasal dari kelas menengah ini diorganisir oleh seorang blogger, yang mengkampanyekan anti korupsi secara online. Alexei Navalny, 35 tahun, adalah seorang aktivis di dunia maya. Ia menggunakan internet sebagai sebuah kekuatan baru dalam menyuarakan kritik terhadap pemerintah Russia. Sejak terpilihnya Putin untuk kedua kalinya pada tahun 2004 sebagai Presiden Rusia, berbagai praktik dan kebijakan yang ditujukan untuk memastikan posisi dominan diri dan partainya terlihat jelas. Undang-undang pemilihan umum dirubah sedemikian rupa agar mengarah pada bentuk...
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...Communication, Media, Technology and Design ICCMTD 09-11 May 2012 Istanbul - Turkey “THE SOCIAL MEDIA AS A PUBLIC SPHERE: THE RISE OF SOCIAL OPPOSITION” Asst. Prof. Dr. A. Fulya ŞEN Fırat Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi - Gazetecilik Bölümü - Elazığ Abstract In The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, Habermas described the bourgeois public spheres of the 18th and 19th century in England, France, and Germany. These spheres arose as arenas of cultural critique often arising from reading societies that focused on novels and the like. Cultural critique became political critique as these groups turned to issues of public concern fighting policies of censorship and for freedom of opinion. The public sphere is in the work of Jürgen Habermas conceived as a neutral social space for critical debate among private persons who gather to discuss matters of common concern in a free and rational way. This public sphere is open and accessed for public. Habermas pointed out that media has contributed to the decay of the rational-critical discourse and causing the decline of the public sphere. Political public spheres include social movements, media that monitor and criticize the state, and groups that take political action. In recent times have seen an explosion of debate, blogging, theorising and hype around the role of the internet in today’s social movements. Social media -internet applications such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube which facilitate the creation and exchange of user-created...
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...International Relation and European-Asian studies A Dialogic Approach to Intercultural Communication ------------------------------------------------- Cosmopolitan Liberalism Tallinn 2015 Cosmopolitan Liberalism By political cosmopolitanism we mean the idea of overcoming the fragmentation of the world into an anarchy of states by constructing a global public order within which states are subsumed. The new liberal cosmopolitanism argues that this new global public order can and must be based upon liberal principles. Liberal cosmopolitanism in its current form is a radicalization of Anglo-American liberal internationalism. It shares a whole series of commitments with the latter: one humanity, liberal values and cognitive frameworks, individual liberal rights, liberal-democracy, the promotion of peace through international economic liberalism, the development of liberal universalist international law and institutions. Liberal Cosmopolitanism differs from Liberal Internationalism in three key goals: * The subordination of the states to a global order of governance, protecting the liberal rights of individual citizens from state authorities, even through coercive action where necessary. * The transformation of state sovereignty from an absolute right into a licence extended to the state by the global community on the condition that the state behaves in an at least minimally liberal way towards its citizens. * The emergence of cosmopolitan citizens...
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...Bernal, Victoria, 2005, “Eritrea On-line: Diaspora, Cyberspace, and the Public Sphere.” American Ethnologist 32(4): 660-675. Through her investigation of Eritreans’ efforts to define their national identity and create a sense of belonging, Bernal argues that the internet is changing the ways in which national identities and alternative “global and transnational” communities are created. To support this, Bernal studied Dehai.com, the website created by Eritreans in diaspora to enable exchange new and information regarding the Ethiopian-Eritrean war (1998-2000). Dehai had the effect of creating a cyberspace community in which Eritreans could “transcend their location” (Bernal, 2005: 661). But Bernal argues that information distribution alone is not enough to create a ‘public sphere.’ She contends that violence and conflict played a vital role in the formation of the Dahai online community. She points out that war gave the Dehai participants a sense purpose and reason to create a public forum (see Bernal, 2005:662). The success and longevity of Dehai.com Bernal says is attributable to several factors which differentiate it from other online communities. These include: (1) Dehai was created by ordinary citizens in diaspora; (2) the anonymity inherent in online communication allows Dehai participants to freely and openly express their views, an option that would not be available to them otherwise; and (3) Dahai goes beyond the typical cyberspace community in that is has organized...
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...poured his emotions into a blog on his MySpace.com website which was accessible to the whole Internet. In his posting, he raised the idea of suicide and harming his parents and he wrote his emotional anguish about the camp, including a strict list of rules he would be living upon in next several weeks before leaving for the camp. Within one day, his postings began spreading among blogosphere, provoking a political demonstrating, a state investigation and international new coverage eventually (Tremayne, 2007). The impact of the experience on him remains unclear, but the whole event suggests that the power and dominance of blog in transmission of information and message are evidence comparing with the pre-blog era, in which his story unlikely spreads out further than the circle of his family and friends. According to Gunn and Brummett (2004), among communication studies scholars, “popular communication concerns the study of objects that are widely circulated by means of mass media” (p. 708). In early time, the most popular objects of analysis were radio, television, advertisements and films. However, along with the Internet matures and becomes essential in people’s daily life, new types of popular communication medium gradually penetrate every corner in the world, such as weblog, e-mail, MSN, Facebook, Twitter and so forth. Weblogs, first introduced by Turnbull in 1999 as “the latest internet craze” in The Scotsman’s, have become one of the most popular communication tools, providing...
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...Entrepreneurship Development Foundation Public Finance Monitoring Center Baku Political Research and Advocacy Center With support of Center for International Private Enterprise (Washington D.C., USA) National Endowment for Democracy NATIONAL bUSINESS AGENDA for the improvement of the business climate in Azerbaijan in 2009 (1st edition, September 2008) CONTENTS |Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………. |3 | |1. Institutional reform …………………………………………………………….. |4 | |2. The introduction of European definitions of small businesses ……………………………………………………………………………... | | | |5 | |3. Regulatory reform ………………………………………………………………... |6 | |4. The improvement of the tax regime …………………………………….. |7 | |5. Reform of the licensing system ……………………………………………. |10 | |6. Improvement of property registration system ……………………...
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...voters’ behaviors and democracy. It is our hope that this article helps you understand the most current form of the political landscape most especially as affected in the virtual world based on past findings, news speculations and research. Evaluation Regarding political campaigns As technology evolves, political campaigns are constantly evolving, as well. A practice that once relied on print advertisement and word of mouth was severely impacted by the radio, a new technology that allowed politicians to reach more potential voters than ever before. Then came the television, which once again redefined the political world. Now, image and appearance would play a major role in political campaigns. Then, just a decade or so ago, the Internet and email marketing revolutionized the way campaigns were run, allowing politicians to quickly and easily reach large numbers of people in a matter of seconds. And today, social media is the new, big thing on the political scene. Traditional political campaigns have always worked closely with journalists to present a particular image of the candidate. As the politician...
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...Religious institutions that provide occupational opportunities are able to legally discriminate against job applicants while the vast majority of the public sphere is required to adhere to a very specific code that prohibits discrimination. The moral and legal dilemma that is created through the “ministerial exception [to the Title VII law] and its growth and development in the courts” presents a varying case of whether the individual right to Free Exercise or the morality of hiring a fit candidate provides the government with an apt reason to step in (McClain 518). Title VII is the legal resolution that has resulted from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that permitted the use of the interstate commerce clause to “prohibit discrimination in the workplace on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, and national origin” (McClain 517). In the secular workplace, the government enforces the resolution...
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...The Wealth of Networks The Wealth of Networks How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom Yochai Benkler Yale University Press New Haven and London Copyright _ 2006 by Yochai Benkler. All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. The author has made an online version of the book available under a Creative Commons Noncommercial Sharealike license; it can be accessed through the author’s website at http://www.benkler.org. Printed in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Benkler, Yochai. The wealth of networks : how social production transforms markets and freedom / Yochai Benkler. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-300-11056-2 (alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-300-11056-1 (alk. paper) 1. Information society. 2. Information networks. 3. Computer networks—Social aspects. 4. Computer networks—Economic aspects. I. Title. HM851.B457 2006 303.48'33—dc22 2005028316 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1...
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...Paper to be presented at Oxford Internet Institute’s “A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society” on September 22, 2011. Social Privacy in Networked Publics: Teens’ Attitudes, Practices, and Strategies danah boyd and Alice Marwick Microsoft Research dmb@microsoft.com and amarwick@microsoft.com Waffles, 17, NC1: Every teenager wants privacy. Every single last one of them, whether they tell you or not, wants privacy. Just because an adult thinks they know the person doesn’t mean they know the person. And just because teenagers use internet sites to connect to other people doesn’t mean they don’t care about their privacy. We don’t tell everybody every single thing about our lives. We tell them general information - names, places, what we like to do - but that’s general knowledge. That’s not something you like to keep private-- “Oh, I...
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... Define and arriculate hoe eTherapy could be viewed as in information system (input)(processing )(output constituents ) ? E-therapy is a term that has been coined to describe the process of interacting with a therapist online in ongoing conversations over time when the client and counselor are in separate or remote locations and utilize electronic means to communicate with each other. It is a relatively new modality of assisting individuals resolve life and relationship issues. E-therapy utilizes the power and convenience of the internet to allow simultaneous (synchronous) and time-delayed (asynchronous) communication between an individual and a professional. For the purposes of this paper, e-therapy is defined as a licensed mental health care professional providing mental health services via e-mail, video conferencing, virtual reality technology, chat technology, or any combination of these. It does not include self-help methods such as public bulletin boards or private listservs. E-therapy is not psychotherapy or psychological counseling per se since it does to presume to diagnose or treat mental or medical disorders. However, e-therapy is flexible enough to also address many difficulties which clients present to the online therapist. As in other types of therapy, such as bibliotherapy, occupational therapy, and rehabilitation therapy), e-therapy does assist a person in addressing specific concerns with specific skills. This article examines the following issues of e-therapy...
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...Public relations (PR) is the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual, etc., in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc. An earlier definition of public relations, by The first World Assembly of Public Relations Associations, held in Mexico City, in August 1978, was "the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizational leaders, and implementing planned programs of action, which will serve both the organization and the public interest."[1] Others define it as the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics.[2] Public relations provides an organization or individual exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that provide a third-party endorsement[3] and do not direct payment.[4] Common activities include speaking at conferences, working with the media, crisis communications, social media engagement,[5] and employee communication. The European view of public relations notes that besides a relational form of interactivity there is also a reflective paradigm that is concerned with publics and the public sphere; not only with relational, which can in principle be private, but also with public consequences of organizational behaviour [6][7] A much broader view of interactive communication using the Internet, as outlined by Phillips and Young in Online Public Relations Second Edition (2009), describes the...
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...speech. A fundamental right for people to be able to communicate their opinion in the public sphere, free speech is legally defined as “the right to express beliefs and opinions without unwarranted government restriction” (Franklyn, 1993). There are many examples on how this could be practiced, ranging from as simple as someone speaking in a public space about his or her political views and opinion of the current ruler to a non-intrusive protest by a large group of people about a certain issue (homosexuals’ rights, political leadership, economic situations and many more examples). Some countries might have freedom of speech as a right in its legislative system, but the implementation of this would often be responses with an intolerant reaction from the government. There...
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...The public sphere must first allow for the formation of public opinion (Habermas, 1989). In this regard, social media seems to fulfill this requirement – it easily facilitates discussions between individuals, even when they are geographically separated (Edosomwan, Prakasan, Kouame, Watson & Seymour, 2011). While user experiences differ (i.e. the Twitter interface is different from the Facebook interface), every social media platform makes it relatively easy for users to exchange thoughts and opinions (usually with just a few taps on the keyboard and a click of a button) with hundreds or even thousands of other individuals. The ease of sharing personal opinions and exchanging ideas has encouraged the world of social media to become a participatory...
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