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Submitted By genecooks
Words 4102
Pages 17
N Gene A Cooks

EDCI 573

Instructional Lesson Plans On Digital Citizenship

Content: Digital Citizenship
Grade level: 9-12


The lesson plans that I have created here will be designed to educate students about digital citizenship. The lesson will help students learn how to
Interact with others online in an ethical manner. These lessons are established for high school students. The main idea in these seven lessons is to bring awareness to the seven of nine elements to digital citizen. The seven elements that will be taught are: Digital Commerce, Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, Digital Etiquette, Digital Law, Digital Rights and Responsibilities, Digital Health and Wellness Digital Security. The lessons are meant to examine and discuss the ethical approach to all these elements. Each activity, game, reading, quiz and video will help students make better choices while engaged in the world of digital citizenship. It is very important that students in the 21st century and beyond be taught these concepts, so they are protected and make appropriate decisions online. There are thirty-five students in my class with the addition of one English Learner; one special needs student and two GATE students. The duration of each lesson will be approximately forty-five minutes. The student diversity in my class will be accommodated through cooperative learning activities, peer coaching, and feedback and checking for understanding. The formative assessments in my class will be implemented in my instruction through practice quizzes, exit tickets and checking for understanding. There will be a summative assessment at the end of the lessons.
Teacher: Mr. Cooks
Theme/unit: digital citizenship
Grade level: 9-12
Time frame: 2 weeks

ISTE NETS standards:
4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources
b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources
c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information
d. Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools

Common Core Standards:

1. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.

2. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas.

3. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1b Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed.

4. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1c Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.

5. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1d Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented.

6. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.2 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.

7. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.5 Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

White board
Overhead projector

Rubric for quizzes

Students will receive 5 points for each quiz

5 points) All answers are answered correctly and or have thorough explanation of the question asked.

4 points) Most of the questions are answered correctly with a good explanation of the question asked.

3 points) Some of the questions are answered correctly and have a brief explanation of the question asked.

2 points) If the student answered 1 of the answers correctly and gave a very minimal explanation of the question asked.

1 point) The student answered the questions with no thought at all and poorly completed the quiz questions.

For my special needs students the font size will be bigger on all the quizzes as well as the summative assessment. I will read all questions slowly and re-read if I need to clarify any questions. The grading system will be slightly different. I will not take off any points for misspellings or simple grammatical errors. The thoughts and ideas of the special needs students will only require a brief explanation of each term. For my GATE students, I expect them to answers all the questions very thoroughly with hardly any grammatical errors. They must write explanations of terms with expanded vocabulary and very detailed ideas.

All activities:

3 truths one lie game -to see how easy it is to lie or exaggerate when not face-to-face
Draw from bowel exercise
Show videos (Online Child Safety - The Truth Behind the Screen) on digital technologies-social networking, cyber bullying
Read literature-Digital Citizenship In schools by Mike Ribble- popcorn read
PowerPoint presentations- use prezi
Practice quizzes
Read scenarios and decide which is better
Move to one side of the room to determine which online scenario is bad
Interview each other skills-discuss 1. Define your work ethic. 2. What do you think of the president 3. Drugs? Do you use? Alcohol? Do you have issues with it? 4. Do you like your parents? Why or why not? 5. What are your hobbies 6. What do you do in your spare time 7. If you can offer one thing to a person, what would it be? 8. Tell me a favorite story you like that had a good moral

Rate commercials on Internet safety-discuss (score from 1-5) 1. Everybody knows your name 2. Internet safety PSA- instant messaging 3. Bulletin board-online safety 4. Think before you post 5. Do you really know who you are talking to commercial 6. Think you know? Internet safety video 7. Save the children commercial 8. Girl talk vs. cyber predators 9. Don’t get bullied 10. Megan’s story

Lesson 1 Digital Commerce


Students are to learn about the issues regarding buying and items online. they will also learn about the dangers of misleading and fake websites.

Anticipatory set:

a. I’ll read Asia’s story…Asia was a superstar athlete in school. She received excellent grades and was the captain of her basketball team. She was an honest girl, besides the normal things teenagers get into she managed to stay out of trouble. One day she was looking on the Internet. She came across a website that said you can make a lot of money selling some form of insurance. So, without evening thinking Asia signed up for it. But she had to submit credit card information. She was misinformed and thought she would not have pay for anything. What you didn’t know is that Asia took her dad’s credit card not thinking he would find out. A couple days later he was checking his bank statement and came across a credit purchase of 100 dollars. He questioned her and she finally admitted to it and her dad educated her on the awareness of digital commerce; after he grounded her for a week and made her pay him back.

b. Ask students have anyone in here ever purchases something online?
c. If they did, ask them if they felt secure about it? Start up discussion on buying and selling online.
d. Tell students that we are going to discuss digital citizenship within the next 7 days.

e. Give students pre assessment/ pre test on digital citizenship

Guided practice

The PowerPoint presentation will consist of examples of inappropriate commerce over the Internet and how to make safe purchases online.

4 examples of inappropriate commerce online:

a. Purchasing items online without protecting your identity. b. Being carless with purchases, running up credit online. c. Conducting fraud and other types of cheating schemes online d. Purchasing and selling items that are stolen

3 things to consider when buying something online

a. Ensure that you know the identity, location and contact details of the online retailer b. Find out more about a company's reputation. c. Find out about billing, guarantees and delivery before you buy.

Overhead projector/Elmo
White board

Students will look up three websites to critique and use simple questions to ask themselves about the website.

1. Students will go to the computer lab
2. Students will look up three websites that they are or are not familiar with
3. I will give students a set of questions to ask
4. The students will examine the websites and answer the questions. The questions will be as follows: 1. Is the website trying to sell something? 2. Does the website have a .gov, .edu or .com at the end of the URL? 3. Is the website reputable and has had a long standing with people? 4. Is the website valid and reliable? Does it have a list of references? 5. Does the website have a reputable seal of trust on it?


Exit ticket:


1. What is one example of inappropriate commerce online?
2. What is one thing to consider when buying something online?
3. Briefly discuss importance of Asia’s story.

Lesson 2
Digital Communication

Students will learn how to make appropriate choices when communicating online…

Anticipatory set:

a. I will ask students a set of questions and tell them to be honest. The questions are as follows:

1. Has anybody ever seen students use text or talk on their cell phones while in class?

2. Have you ever seen students use their cell phones and other electronic devices to cheat in or outside of class?

3. Have anyone ever witnessed students use email and IM to plagiarize?

b. I will ask students what they think about inappropriate use of digital devices.

c. Ask students do they think that is fair and why do they think students engage in these inappropriate activities?

White board

Guided practice

I will write on the board, “ Digital Communication Tools” and write one or two digital communication tools that people use.

a. I will right down instant messaging and video conferencing on the board under the title, “ Digital Communication Tools.”

b. Next I will call on students to tell me more digital communication tools.

c. As the students tell me more I will write them on the board underneath the title, “ Digital Communication Tools”

d. I will ask students to discuss each tool and how they work.

e. Lastly I will tell all my students to be quiet and pull out my cell phone and scroll through my emails, pictures, calendar etc. for about three to five minutes.

f. After about 5 minuets, I will ask students how they felt while I was using my cell phone while they just sat there.


Have students be distracted and on cell phones or any digital devices they while someone is trying to teach and then quiz them on what was just said

a. Have students pull out digital devices and begin to use them

b. Pick a student from class to teach a 10-minute lesson

c. After the lesson is over have students put away all their books and digital devices

d. Have the student that taught the 10-minute lesson, quiz the other students on what was just taught.

e. Ask student who taught the lesson explain how difficult it was to teach the class while they were using their digital devices

f. Discuss with entire class difficult it was to be quizzed on something that they were unable to put all their focus on.


Exit ticket a. Students will be given a colored paper the last 20 minuets of class b. The students will be given a list of questions that will appear on the overhead. c. I will read each question to the students to clarify


1. What is the term, “Digital Tool” mean? Explain
2. Name three inappropriate ways that digital devices are misused
3. Briefly describe a time when either you or someone you know exhibited poor digital communication.

d. When the bell rings each students will hand me their quiz as an exit ticket

Lesson 3

Digital Literacy


Learn about the process of teaching and using technology…

Anticipatory set:

Give students examples of poor digital literacy:

1. Students do not know where to research information online
2. Students use bad sources from the Internet
3. Students do not distinguish between primary or secondary sources.
4. Students do not know how to navigate the Internet or the digital world as a whole.

b. Ask students what they think of those examples

Overhead projector

Guided practice
I will read the definition of digital literacy and give students a brief explanation
a. I will tell the students the definition of digital literacy is the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology
b. I will ask them what they think that involves
c. I will briefly describe to the students that digital literacy is being able to evaluate information coming from an audio, video or text and validate how useful it is and the accuracy of it.


Put students into groups of about 5 and have them read different sections of Digital Citizenship In Schools. a. Each group will read a section and discuss it b. Each group will write down 5 important facts or statements c. I will walk around the room and monitor students reading and interaction with each other. d. Once each group is finished they will be called on to tell what they have learned to the whole class.


I will ask students why digital literacy is important and discuss answers.

Lesson 4
Digital Etiquette

Students will learn how to conduct themselves online in an ethical manner.

Anticipatory set:

I will show students picture of people taking to each other with their backs turned and discuss what they think is going on.

Overhead projector

Guided practice:

a. I will show the students a YouTube video on digital etiquette including the Golden Rule, flaming, effective communication etc.
b. Discuss examples of digital etiquette with students.
c. Stop and clarify any misunderstandings of learning content.
d. I will mention a few more examples of bad etiquette.

8. Using rude and verbally abusive language on social networking site or chat room. 9. Making offensive comments or obscene pictures on social networking sites. 10. Using another person Internet signal without asking for permission.


I will have students play a decision game. a. All students will get up and move to the left side of the room b. Next I will read scenarios to students about digital etiquette c. Students will then determine if the scenario is ethical or not d. If they believe that it is not ethical they will stay on the left side of the room. If they believe that it is ethical they will move to the right side. e. After the game is through we will discuss all the inappropriate scenarios

Seven scenarios:

1. Speaking or texting on the cell phone while driving 2. Carrying on loud cell phone conversations in crowded areas or at public performances 3. Texting while carrying on conversations 4. Using technology for bullying or like behaviors 5. Unwillingness to share public technology 6. Using camera phones inappropriately 7. Using communication devises for non-class related issues during class time


Students will be given a practice quiz following questions:

Practice quiz:


1. What is digital etiquette?

2. What is the “Golden rule?”

3. What does the term Flaming mean?

4. What does writing in all caps mean?

5. What are some ways to communicate clearly?

Lesson 5

Digital Law Digital Rights and Responsibilities


Students will learn about the legal issues regarding digital technology use and they will learn what the school policies.

Anticipatory set:

I will put a picture of the law symbol and then show a PowerPoint presentation consisting of the United States Constitution. The PowerPoint presentation will consist of the amendments in the Constitution, the policy on Internet use in school and specific responsibilities when using digital devices.

Guided practice

Students are shown videos of cases where people have been sentenced to prison on felony charges for violating Copyright laws so that they are deterred.


The students will write down a punishment for violating digital law

a. The student will describe the offense

b. Next the student will right down the punishment

c. Lastly the student will explain why the punishment fits the crime

d. I will pick students to express what punishment they wrote and discuss with entire class.

Overhead projector


Ask all students what have they learned today? Ask students if you know someone who does not know about digital law, what would you tell them to inform them? Next I would have them right it down and turn in at the end of the period as they leave class.

Lesson 6

Digital Health and Wellness

Anticipatory set:


The students will learn about the dangers of using digital technology including use of social networking sites, online chat rooms and any inappropriate content.

Practice quiz:

Anticipatory set:

Guided practice

Read articles on effects of overuse of computers

Activity 1:

I will put students in groups of five and have their group come up with 3 ways digital health and wellness can help them

a. Students will go to Google and research information on digital health and wellness

b. They will thoroughly look through the information they found

c. Each group of students will give three examples of digital health and wellness.

d. We will discuss all students answers



iPhone,iPod, iPad

Activity 2

Students will look at ten 60-second commercials and rate them for there effectiveness on the awareness of internet safety.

a. Rate commercials on Internet safety-discuss (score from 1-5) 1. Everybody knows your name 2. Internet safety PSA- instant messaging 3. Bulletin board-online safety 4. Think before you post 5. Do you really know who you are talking to commercial 6. Think you know? Internet safety video 7. Save the children commercial 8. Girl talk vs. cyber predators 9. Don’t get bullied 10. Megan’s story

b. I will discuss with students why they chose which commercial was most effective.

c. Lastly, as a class, we will determine the top three commercials

Activity 3:

Students will be put in groups of two and interview each other to learn about their character.
a. Students will be given a list of questions to ask.
b. The questions are as follows:

1. Define your work ethic. 2. What do you think of the president 3. Drugs? Do you use? Alcohol? Do you have issues with it? 4. Do you like your parents? Why or why not? 5. What are your hobbies 6. What do you do in your spare time 7. If you can offer one thing to a person, what would it be? 8. Tell me a favorite story you like that had a good moral

c. We briefly go over answers and discuss what we learned about each other.


Ask students what they have learned. I will ask students, now that they have learned what to look out for when using the Internet what steps would they take to practice Internet safety?

Lesson 7

Digital Security


Students will learn how to protect themselves while using the Internet.

Anticipatory set:

PowerPoint on issues on digital security:

a. Students access sites or associate with people online that can potentially bring them physical harm or bring hard to their electronic systems. b. Not careful about protecting personal identity online and privacy online. c. Not using passwords, encryptions or antivirus d. Not backup data

Overhead projector
Small bowl

Guided practice

Show videos (Online Child Safety - The Truth Behind the Screen) on digital technologies-social networking, cyber bullying

Activity 1

3 truths one lie game -to see how easy it is to lie or exaggerate when not face-to-face

a. Students will write their name on a piece of paper and fold it up and put it in the bowl.

b. I will select names out of the bowl and ask the students names that I select to tell their 3 truths and a lie
c. Next I will have the other students try to determine which one was a lie

d. If the students don’t guess which one I will have the student whose name was picked and tell them the one that was the lie.
e. Next we will discuss how easy it is for someone to make up something about himself or herself especially when you don’t see them face-to-face.

Activity 2:

Have students fill out a digital safety checklist.
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-Don’t use or post your full name online/ use a nickname. -Don’t post your personal home address. -Do not post your phone number online for people to see. -Only give your email to people you know well. -Only post videos, pictures and instant messages to trusted people or companies. -Avoid downloading any music that someone owns the rights to. -Make sure your privacy settings are set to private.


Exit ticket

a. Give students questions on overhead

b. I will thoroughly read each question to the students

c. Questions will be as follows:

1. What are three ways to protect your identity online?

2. Give examples of what can happen if your identity is stolen

c. At the end of class the students will hand me their papers as they exit the classroom.

Summative test:

The summative test will be a written review of what learned about the nine elements of Digital Citizenship.

Students will summarize the nine elements of digital citizenship. They will come to class with a paper and pencil and give a definition and example for each one. This way they can comprehensively explain what they have learned about all of the elements of digital citizenship. This summative assessment will enable them to practice good digital citizenship and teach other as well.

Rubric for the Summative Assessment on Digital Citizenship

a. The students will receive 10 points for each answer for a total of 70 points


A. B. C. D. F.

|Students must exhibit a |Students must exhibit a good|Students must exhibit an |Students must exhibit a poor|Students must exhibit a very|
|detailed explanation of each|explanation of each element |average explanation of each |to moderate explanation of |poor explanation of each |
|element within Digital |within Digital Citizenship. |element within Digital |each element within Digital |element within Digital |
|Citizenship. They must give |They must give a good |Citizenship. They must give |Citizenship. They must give |Citizenship. They must give |
|a precise definition of each|definition of each term. |a brief definition of each |a less then adequate |very poor/ less then 4 words|
|term. They must have 3 |They must have 2 examples of|term. They must have 1 or |definition of each term. |or a definition of each |
|examples of each digital |each digital element with a |more examples of each |They must have 1 examples of|term. They show no examples |
|element with a thorough |good explanation of each. |digital element with a |each digital element with a |of each digital element with|
|explanation of each. | |moderate explanation of |very minimal explanation of |a very minimal explanation |
| | |each. |each. |of each. |


Digital Citizenship in Schools, Mike Ribble, 2011 retrieved from:

Digital Connections in the Classroom, David Marcovitz, pages 172-185 (2012)

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Internet of

...4 The Impact of the Internet of Things on Business and Society · Ubiquitous services for connected consumers · Open source and collaborative business models · The optimisation of things: towards a truly sustainable development W ith the Internet of Everything, it will possible for everybody and everything to be connected at all times, receiving and processing information in real time. The result will be new ways of making decisions, backed by the availability of information. The option of being online and traceable at all times has also led to the emergence of a new generation of consumers, who demand new products and services based on ubiquity and interconnection. These shifts in production and consumption patterns are changing the relations between all the agents in the system. There is a whole host of new opportunities to design and offer new products and services and make more efficient use of existing assets, creating a fertile ground for entrepreneurs. The dynamic of change of the technologies involved in the Internet of Everything is particularly interesting. In many fields, successful new solutions will turn their backs on traditional models of evolution, based on standards set out by large corporations or supranational bodies. Instead, they will consist of “cheap hacks” promoted by entrepreneurs who are capable of identifying efficient problem-solving alternatives and distributing them efficiently thanks to permanent and ubiquitous connectivity, enabling collaboration...

Words: 3674 - Pages: 15

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...Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Recinto de San Germán Departamento de Ciencias Empresariales y Gerenciales PROBLEMAS PARTE 2 Angel Luis Rodriguez Olivera EE0160576 BADM 6250 Sección IN Prof. Luis M. Zornosa Capitulo 4 Soluciones 4.2 La combinación de la introducción del acceso comercial a la web; y una interfaz gráfica de usuario para la web habilitado el acceso generalizado y dio impulso para su uso. 4.3 Usted puede obtener la lista de servidores raíz por medio de ' dig.NS ' , como los servidores raíz de zona están autorizados. 4.4 Los servidores raíz no admiten búsquedas recursivas, ya que deben desactivarlas con el fin de ayudar a evitar la carga excesiva. Además de eso, deshabilitación de las búsquedas recursivas (junto con la expedición y cualquier otra función que les permita dar respuestas en caché) reduce sus posibilidades de almacenamiento en caché y propagar información incorrecta. . 4.5 La mayoría de los resolutorias ordenan los registros de recursos devueltos por los servidores de nombres, para que las direcciones de la misma red; que el host de la emisión de la consulta aparece primero en la lista devuelven a la aplicación que llama a la función librería de resolución, en la premisa de que les van a prestar a una más eficiente la comunicación. 4.7 4.10 Entrando nslookup sin argumentos se abre una sesión interactiva...

Words: 1198 - Pages: 5

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...INTERNET ADDICTION: USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES AND ITS IMPACT ON INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS Abstract: Widespread use of internet has led to a kind of addiction. The present study examined the use of Internet and getting addicted to the social networking sites and on the whole its impact on intermediate level students. The sample comprised of 285 students out of which the addicts were pulled out. The tools used were questionnaire developed by Dr. Kimberly Young, the IAT which is a 20-item questionnaire that measures mild, moderate, and severe levels of Internet Addiction with its sociological impact. An additional questionnaire drafted at International Development Research Centre (IDRC) was used to gauge the behavioural, psychological and physical impact of internet on Intermediate students. And finally a questionnaire was coined in the assistance of Miss Sunanda Jati, lecturer, Dau Dayal Girls P.G. College to check the indulgence of intermediate students on social networking sites. The researcher used dichotomous questions. It was found that the students have positive tendency towards the useful and easy reflections of internet and a greater tendency towards getting addicted. The advent of computer brought about a major revolution in the history of human culture; a major debate broke through whole world whether this machine could replace human beings and become our master. Eminent scholars, learned people, high profile politicians and almost every literate being were voicing...

Words: 314 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay


...The Future of the Internet A Compendium of European Projects on ICT Research Supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme for RTD European Commission I nform ati on S oc i et y and M ed ia Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union New freephone number * 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00800 numbers or these calls may be billed. In certain cases, these calls may be chargeable from telephone boxes or hotels. «The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the European Commission or any of its officials» A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server ( Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. ISBN 978-92-79-08008-1 © European Communities, 2008 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium PRINTED ON CHLORE FREE PAPER The Future of the Internet A Compendium of European Projects on ICT Research Supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme for RTD European Commission I nform ati on S oc i et y and M ed ia ••• 2 Preface 5 priorities identified by the Internet Governance Forum: openness, security, access, diversity and critical Internet resources. The use of the Internet in public policies will considerably grow in areas such as education, culture, health and e-government...

Words: 66329 - Pages: 266

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The Internet

...Internet is a connection of network of computers. Internet is popularly known as "Network of Networks". We can connect to any computer throughout the world through internet. Internet is the product of a military undertaking. The Pentagon's, Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) funded its creation in 1969, as ARPA net. The intention was, to develop a geographical communication network for military use. All over America, engineers and scientists working on military contracts were allowed to share computers and computer resource through ARPA net. Then internet becomes popular. According to the definition provided by Oxford dictionary, the Internet is an arrangement of connected computers, which lets the computer users all over the globe exchange data. Essentials of Internet are computer, telephone connection, modem and Internet Connection. There are so many uses of Internet. There are so many uses of internet. I will describe the 10 best uses of the internet. First, we use internet to research. The internet has tons of information. Anything we may want to know or need to know about is just online. . Search for and read millions of files stored in the computers throughout the world. Also a great way to know what is going on in your city. Second, we can use internet as a library. Technology has dramatically changed the internet and to libraries. Many library website have plenty to offer for information that you need. Third, internet same as E-Books. There are number o books...

Words: 1244 - Pages: 5

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The Internet

...THE INTERNET  The internet is the largest computer network in the world, connecting millions of computers.  A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. Types of Computer Networks  Local Area Network (LAN) - two or more connected computers sharing certain resources in a relatively small geographic location.  Wide Area Network (WAN) -two or more LANs. The computers are farther apart and are linked by telephone lines or radio waves. -The internet is the largest Wide Area Network (WAN) in existence. Servers and Clients  Server -a computer that "serves" many different computers in a network by running specialized software and storing information.  Client -communicates with the server to get the information it requires. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network  each computer acts as both a server and a client. The World Wide Web (WWW)  The internet is the physical network of computers all over the world.  The World Wide Web is a virtual network of web sites connected by hyperlinks (or "links"). Web sites are stored on servers on the internet, so the World Wide Web is a part of the internet. HTML  The backbone of the World Wide Web is made of HTML files, which are specially-formatted documents that can contain links, as well as images and other media. URL  To get to a web page, you can type the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in a browser.  The URL, also known as the web address, tells the browser exactly where to find the page...

Words: 3555 - Pages: 15

Premium Essay


...Internet Mario Robles Com/285 July 13, 2011 Patricia Madrill Internet In my current workplace e-mails are non-existing, e-mails between our company members are avoided and communication is done through cell phone or radio call. Therefore, policies about Internet use are not available and not required in this stage of the company. However, if our company where to provide employees with Internet privileges I can see why they would want to implement Internet policies. With those policies the company enforcing them should be aware that employees would not be completely satisfied with about their privacy and think that their personal business is no longer personal. * What are the e-mail use, Internet use, and privacy policies at your job? * In my current workplace policies about Internet usage are not stringent, reason being everyone in the company has their own laptop. My company, after you have been with them for a year will give you a $1,000 gift card. This gift card is not just free money, it comes with two restrictions. The first restriction is that you should use 75% of this money toward the purchase of a new lap top, the second restriction is that the rest of the money has to be spent on a Verizon wireless card and a two-year subscription fee with a Verizon wireless vendor. Once you have purchase this items if there is any money left you may use...

Words: 1109 - Pages: 5