...govern their way of life. Certainly throughout history, the spread of Christian theology and doctrine has been influential in establishing and developing a deeply rooted theistic and biblical worldview foundation; thus being the center of much debate. In light of the various views within Christian theology, we will focus specifically on doctrine that is foundational to the Christian faith: The belief the God is actively involved in His creation. Furthermore, we will examine how this belief (doctrine) affects the way we interact with people in a chosen vocation. Through Bible Scriptures and Daniel Akin’s textbook A Theology for the Church, we will show evidence to support this doctrine, identify meaningful connections between Scripture and our call to work (vocation), and apply this evidence to specific scenarios within Christian ministry. In traditional Christian theology the belief that God is actively involved in His creation is known as providence. According to the textbook, “the doctrine of God’s providence is related to the doctrine of creation…Millard Erickson compares creation and providence by calling creation “God’s originating work” and providence “God’s continuing work”…the word providence means, literally, “to see at a distance,” and can carry the connotation of “to look after” (Akin 2014, 229). “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This is God’s originating work that Erickson points out. God did not need to create the universe or...
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...While other students have fretted over choosing the right college and correct major I have always felt that regardless of these choices I would be happy, making the most of any situation I chose for myself. However, I was encouraged to think more deeply after reading Victor Claar and Robin Klay’s book, Economics In Christian Perspective. They spoke about the Christian vocation and mentioned John Calvin’s view on the subject “Calvin taught that everyone received a special calling to a work for which he or she received the necessary gifts”. Certainly my business administration degree interests me but it can feel like there is a surplus of students entering the business field and it may not be the best major for me to help my peers. After...
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...example of a high-range response for Religion and Peace. Note how the student has supported and clarified all assertions made with discerning use of evidence from a range of sources. As such, they have used her information to explicitly address the question at hand. When talking about inner peace, the student refers to the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus which has restored the covenantal relationship between God and humanity, sins have been forgiven, and this is what brings inner peace. The student also explicitly explored the idea that the teachings on peace are highly significant in the lives of adherents and she gives sound reasons why. The response shows, for example, that Christians are required to promote non-violence responses to conflict. She goes on to show how this call to peace has a significant impact on the decisions they are asked to make in order to adhere to that directive in their lives. Question: Evaluate the influence of Christianity in the lives of adherents in relation to their understanding and attainment of inner peace and contribution to world peace. The influence of Christianity in the lives of adherents is extensive and profound due to the religion’s emphasis on attaining peace through following the role model of Jesus Christ. Such a mandate permeates the entirety of a Christian adherent’s existence, entailing maintenance of right relationships with God and all people. Christians are required to reconnect with God through prayer and worship...
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...Biblical Worldview Essay Instructions The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to practice your chosen major/program of study in a manner consistent with a biblical/Christian worldview. For this assignment, you will write a 600–1000-word essay addressing the following topic: Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that mankind is created in the image of God. Explain how this belief affects the way you interact with people within your chosen vocation. Considerations for assignment: 1. The word belief in this assignment is essentially synonymous with the word doctrine. 2. It would be wise to select the chosen vocation that you intend to have upon graduation. 3. Provide 2 or 3 specific examples of how the theological truth (mankind is created in the image of God) is lived out in your chosen vocation. 4. Be sure to incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course sources. 5. Be sure to incorporate at least 3 relevant biblical references. 6. The purpose of the assignment is not to discuss how you will evangelize within a chosen vocation; rather, the assignment must focus on how the understanding that mankind is created in the image of God effects the way your vocation is performed. 7. Example from business: since mankind is created in the image of God, as an accountant, I should not cheat others out of money. (This example would be substantiated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within...
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...Biblical Worldview Essay Introduction: The “Image of God.” What is the image of God in a Christian? The “image of God” is vastly used to describe what the Christian faith should portray. We can find this term in the Bible a few times. In the Old Testament, Genesis 1:26-27 to be exact we find that it states that “man is created to the image of God”. I believe that “the belief that mankind is created in the image of God” really is trying to allow us to see that our reflection should be that of those characteristics that God portrays such as compassion, love, understanding, patience, respect and so on. As I am currently studying to work in Business Administration focused in the Healthcare Management, I believe that I need to be able to portray patience and respect. Example 1: Respect for others is a great way to be able to put the image of God into practice with my chosen vocation. We can clearly see that in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 (“We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and over you in the lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.”) what God is trying to teach us about respect towards others. We cannot just sit there and disrespect others due to their imperfections, for every single one of us has imperfections but yet have great respected qualities that differ from one person to another. In the healthcare management field one must be able to respect...
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...BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW Mason Tippitt III Liberty University With the understanding that God is the creator of mankind and that God created us in his own image, it is expected that every Christian should value life. Such a belief helps me be able to see everyone as special because they bare the image of God Himself. The core values of Christianity is that God is the source of life and also the sustainer of life. It is common for people, even Christians to forget that they bare the image of God and this leads to people living a life that does not please God. The belief that everyone bears God’s image will affect the way I relate with people and in my vocation. The book of Genesis records the account of creation and clearly provides evidence that God created mankind in His own image. Genesis 1:27 records that God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. The word image in the scripture simply means likeness or resemblance (Dunn & Rogerson, 2003, pg. 98). With this belief, I should be able to see God’s own image when I look at other people as a believer. This should therefore automatically affect the way I relate and do things. As a marketer, I should be fair when selling products and should not cheat people for financial benefits. Cheating people is the same as cheating God Himself. In the same manner, being fair and truthful when marketing to everyone is a sign of being faithful to God Himself. According to Psalms...
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...and understanding about ministry and how it is an action from God, and it is also an action from the Church. Following Willimon thoughts, he is trying to make us to understand, how important the role of a pastor is in a church. Becoming a Pastor, is not...
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...likeness of God as it pertained to humanity. Irenaeus proposed that God’s image and likeness were separate things and that the likeness of God gave mankind the ability to relate to God in righteousness. That righteousness was broken in sin, but restored in Christ as believers could come to God through Him. Calvin later argued that human nature was completely damaged by sin and Aquinas followed Irenaeus with some modification. The historical interpretations held by these men are viewed as substantive. The substantive view has long been the leading view on this matter, but the views regarding the relation and function of being made in the image of God have grown and many theologians have _______________________________ 1. Chad Brand, “The Work of God: Creation and Providence” in A Theology for the Church, ed. Daniel Akin (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2014), 208....
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...Biblical Worldview Essay As I have learned in this course, and the last five months of rebirth and renewal in my Christian faith, we all are created in the image of God. He desires a personal relationship with every one of us, and He seeks each of us out to have that relationship. Yet many of us turn away from Him and his love for a multitude of reasons. Inspired by my own life experiences, my future career plans are to become a peer mentor, or crisis counselor helping other fellow veterans with their life challenges. That is if I ever go back to work, as my accident in September has left me unable to work, in which case I would then use my knowledge and life experiences to do the same but in a volunteer capacity. I feel that this is what I am destined to do, and on the day of my wreck, God gave me that message. By using a foundation based on my Christian worldviews, and personal experiences I feel that I can greatly help to inspire, motivate, and encourage my patients to not give up, to know that they are not alone in their struggles, and that everyone has a life plan, they just need guidance finding it. One example I could use without evangelizing to my patients is the power of renewal. A lot of veterans with PTSD usually do not have a strong Christian faith as I once didn’t, and sometimes totally discount God and religion, (as I had done). Renewal is the process of restoring spiritual strength coming from new birth. The experience of coming home from a combat zone after...
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...The foundation to the Christian faith is the belief that God is actively involved with His creation. God has always been actively involved with His creation since the beginning of man’s first appearance on planet earth. God has used prophets and judges to express and communicate his message to His people who extended from the promise He made with Abraham. God saved his creation of humanity eternally from their sins when He sent His son Jesus as the messiah to earth. God has extended his doctrines of grace, love, mercy and forgiveness to all believers of His son and gospel. Jesus left behind the Holy Spirit as a guide to humanity to do the work of the Lord God. The doctrine of God will affect my vocation in ministry to the youth generations of God’s church by His teaching of love, kindness and forgiveness. God has always been actively involved with His creation since the beginning of man’s first appearance on planet earth. “God created the heavens and the earth” He created humanity “in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Mankind was created in the likeness of the Creator which gave humanity a “spiritual bond” with God. God blessed and commanded mankind to “Be fruitful and increase in number” and to “Rule over” the planet and its’ inhabitants. After making mankind God called us “very good” He was pleased and approved over His creation of mankind. Since the beginning of time, God has always wanted a relationship with...
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...Carrie Cochran Biblical Worldview Paper Theo 201 As a young child I have always wanted to work in the medical field and began studying medical books in the fifth grade. I had a passion for oncology at such a young age that I assumed that was the field I would be going into. As a young child we attended church until my parents became angry with God for my mom’s illness. So my desire to enter into the medical field was one that was my plan. A plan that I never prayed for nor did I ask His will in my life but little did I know it was where he wanted me. While in college pursing my nursing degree my grandfather, who was my role model, my best friend and my biggest supporter entered the hospital in what would be his last week of life. He was losing a two year battle with liver cancer and being in the stage of school where I had clinical rotations and I knew what was going on with his body in exact stages he was entering. That alone made the grieving process incredibly hard. There was one night in particular that startled me so much that I reconsidered my entire career as in the medical field. I didn’t leave his side, I was there day in and day out watching him, crying over him and helping take care of him. He was sound asleep and started taking deep breathes that lasted longer and longer in between before he would take another breath and I just knew it was time. He had been a pretty much unable to use his limbs, sit up or raise his head up but he sat straight...
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...to the foundation the Christian faith is based. The image of God refers to the likeness, mentally, morally, and socially. Mentally, man has the freedom to choose and intellect like God. Morally, our conscience has been created in righteousness. Socially, when we love, we are demonstrating the likeness of God. My chosen vocation, Life Coaching, requires me to apply all God's characteristics that He exhibits. Example 1 Since mankind is created in the image of God, as a Life Coach, I shall respect others. 1 Peter 2:17 says, "Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor." As a follower of Christ, biblical respect is to recognize that others are more important than myself. "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself." (Philippians 2:3). Because God has created us all in His image, we must show proper respect to all of God's children. People often speak about how others' have not earned their respect, but this is the wrong mentality to have about respect. This is not how God wants us to view respect for one another. We must be aware of others' faults and maintain a level of respect for everyone because God commands it. As a Life Coach, I must develop a godly, respectful attitude toward those around me. As a follower of Christ, I have to acknowledge that just as I am not perfect, others' have weaknesses and flaws. As a Life Coach, I must not let their imperfections cloud my respect for the good qualities...
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...Introduction to Pastoral Theology (P7101B) Assessment 2 – Class Presentation DEFINITION OF MISSIO DEI What is ‘missio dei’? It is a Latin theological term, which literally means ‘the mission (or the sending) of God’. Although the concept is as old as the Bible itself, the theology of missio dei originated in an essay written by noted theologian Karl Barth in 1932. It did not gain wide acceptance until 1952, when it was presented at the Willingen Conference of the International Missionary Council Meeting. Throughout history, God has been working towards the restoration of His creation – this is the essence of missio dei. God has been calling on His people, from within and beyond the church, to take part in this ongoing mission to build His Kingdom on earth. David Bosch in ‘Transforming Mission’, defines missio dei as: “God the Father sending the Son, God the Father and the Son sending the Spirit, and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit sending the church into the world”. He goes on to state that, “Mission is not primarily an activity of the church, but an attribute of God. God is a missionary God. Mission is thereby seen as a movement from God to the world; the church is viewed as an instrument for that mission. There is church because there is mission, not vice versa. To participate in mission is to participate in the movement of God’s love toward people, since God is a fountain of sending...
Words: 3109 - Pages: 13
...our wicked ways and surrender all to God then we start to transform into the “Image of God”. Not just physical, but spiritual as well. And this should be displayed in our profession and for all the world to see. Patience, love, kindness, respect, and understanding will certainly play an important role with my chosen vocation. My pursued degree is Psychology with a cognate in Christian counseling. Being a counselor means that you have to listen and respect the opinions of other. It means giving Godly wisdom to those who seek me for help. Not my wisdom, but the wisdom given to me by the Holy Spirit within my profession. God’s image should always be displayed if you profess to be a Christian, Especially when you’re in the field of dealing directly with adults, children, or families. Knowing that I am made in God’s image will help me to interact with those in my profession with respect. Weather a client or coworker I must treat everyone how I would want to be treated. Those who come to me for help should feel safe, secure, and a sense of trust in order for them to open up a line of communication. Trust goes a long way. It is hard to obtain yet easy to lose. Displaying my spiritual image of God will help other to trust me, and to take the wisdom given and apply it to they’re lives. I understand that being made in the image of God means that I should strive to be Christ like every...
Words: 847 - Pages: 4
...Rhetorical device? * Cites 5 of them * “social capital” (56-58) is a rich illustration * Solidarity involves “learning” and “sensitivity” and “collaboration” (60) * Corresponding interventions/Solutions * E.g. “not charity but capital” (Clarence Jordan, cited 54) * 62-63: justice = level playing field (Sen. M. Fenwick, grandmother) * Housing is one of several interventions, but foundational (59) * Note structural components (infrastructure) of this intervention * E.g. ONE Campaign (http://www.one.org/us/) : 1% of US budget against extreme poverty * Immigration as “spiritual pilgrimage” * Religion/Public Square (ch.4) * “Do I believe in the moral teaching of my faith more than...
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