Internal and External Factors
Management Theory and Practice/230
Internal and External Factors
Military leaders are of the most highly regarded leaders in the world and garner respect globally. Leaders in the military often face life-altering decisions that ultimately keep the United States of America and its citizens safe from enemy intrusions. Several factors both internal and external affect how military leaders lead, train, and prepare troops. Globalization has a huge effect on the military leadership and training techniques. Military personnel currently train to engage in battle on foreign lands of the Middle Eastern region. Leaders prepare troops for survival in areas high temperatures, urban warfare, and to be cognizant of unexpected enemies like women and children. Globalization has compelled the military to establish command in many areas of the world in some instances like Okinawa, Japan; there are fully- operational military commands. In other instances like the American Embassy in Moscow there is only a small Marine detachment. Military personnel strategically placed throughout the world provide the optimum amount of security and protection for America. While attached to these remote areas of the world service members conduct business with local citizens on a frequent basis. Locals work on the military bases engaging in different types of employment ranging from fast food operation to technical jobs requiring security clearances. In essence the U.S. military affects the global economy while it simultaneously provides protection for America and its citizens.
Technology plays an intricate part on how the military performs and how leadership placement is considered. According to Washington Technology (1996-2012), “Future leaders and their subordinates will be faced with complex working environments, accelerated operations and potentially