Premium Essay

Introduction to Business Starbucks


Submitted By aibakirshad
Words 3167
Pages 13
Introduction to Business

Group Name: - Donald duck
Title of assignment: - Star Bucks details
Date of submission: - 19 October 2006
Students: - AIBAK / 48563 BURHAN / 48553 MUSTAFA / 48257 MUHAMED / 48256

Title Page
|Introduction |2 |
|History and background |2 |
|Mission Statement |3 |
|Annual Report |4 |
|Vision |4 |
|Marketing Policy |5 |
|Target market |6 |
|Board of Directors |8 |
|Analyst Coverage |9 |
|Passion for Perfection |10 |
|Wireless Internet Access |11 |
|Menu |11 |

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