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Introduction to Business Systems Analysis Student Study Guide


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Introduction to Business Systems Analysis

Student Study Guide

Section Two Analysis

Section Overview

1. List of Objectives
• Conducting a system investigation
The purpose of the system investigation is to understand the existing system and, based on that understanding, prepare the requirements for the system. Generally the systems analyst will begin by gathering data, and then analyzing collected data. There is no standard procedure for gathering data because each system is unique. But there are certain techniques that are commonly used: written materials, interviews, questionnaires, observation, and measuring.
• Determining systems requirements
This is the beginning sub-phase of analysis. Techniques used in requirements determination have evolved over time to be more structured and, as we will see in this section, current methods increasingly rely on the computer for support. We will first study the more traditional requirements determination methods and progress to more current methods for collecting system requirements.
• Traditional and Modern methods for determining system requirements
Traditional requirements determination methods include interviewing, using questionnaires, observing users in their work environment, and collecting procedures and other written documents.
Modern requirements determination methods are led by the Joint Application Design (JAD) technique. Other new methods are based upon group support systems, computer-aided systems engineering (CASE) tools and prototyping.
• Radical methods for determining system requirements
In some organizations, management is looking for new ways to perform current tasks. These new ways may be radically different from how things are done now, but the payoffs may be enormous; fewer people may be needed to do the same work, relationships with customers may improve dramatically, and processes may become much more efficient and effective, all of which can result in increased profits. The overall process by which current methods are replaced with radically new methods is generally referred to as business process reengineering or BPR.
• Systems analysis
Systems analysis is performed to ascertain what must be done in order to carry out the functions of the system. This will involve a decomposition of the functions of the system into their logical constituents and the production of a logical model of the processes and of the data flows necessary to perform these.
• Flowcharting
After investigation the systems analyst may have collected an unwieldy batch of interview notes, details of observations, questionnaire responses and sundry documents. Much of this information is unorganized and must be further developed. A traditional tool of systems analysis for developing, organizing and formalizing information within a system is the manual systems (document) flowchart.
• Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)
If the whole procedure of processing data to produce information is to be computerized, data flow must be fully identified. Data flow diagrams assist in building a logical model of the system independent of physical commitments. They show the various flows of data between the processes that transform it.
2. Chapter Summary
The beginning of the analysis stage can be an unsettling time for a systems analyst. Typically, he or she has just completed a whirlwind of activity, convincing management and the end-user organization that it really is feasible to go forward with the project. The analyst has, in a sense, made a promise. Now to deliver on that promise, the analyst must plunge into the user area to understand it well to be able to plan an appropriate solution.
This is a very big and very important chapter. It forms the heart of classical analysis and also contains new and accepted tools such as data flow diagrams.
The concepts in the section are difficult, and you may be somewhat handicapped because you may not have an opportunity for any true data gathering. In other words, the learning process is based on theory and discussion, as opposed to “hands on” experience. Some of these experiences may be simulated by using software to set up a group systems development project. 3. Short Essay Questions
1.1 Which of the five data gathering techniques would you most likely use in each of these situations? Explain why.
a. Something is wrong in the accounts receivable department but you are not sure what or why. There are two business managers and seven clerical employees, and they seem cooperative.
b. A business manager in a college registration office thinks employees spend too much time away from their desks in unproductive tasks and would like some data on just how much time is actually spent at their desks.
c. In order to increase time usage of the company’s 46 sales representatives, the head manager first wants a breakdown of the activities they spend their time on.
Answer: a. Since you do not have any information, there is no basis on which to construct a questionnaire and written records would not tell the whole story. There are only two managers; they should both be interviewed. If necessary, other among the seven could be interviewed.
b. Since employees are unlikely to fill in questionnaires about unproductive tasks in an accurate way, nor even want to discuss it, observation is the best technique here.
c. The 46 employees could fill out a questionnaire about their daily activities, or perhaps keep logs over a period of time.
1.2 Would it ever be appropriate to let an unstructured interview go in a completely different direction than originally planned? Explain.
Answer: Certainly. There may be avenues about which the interviewer had no prior knowledge.
1.3 Compare collecting information by interview and by questionnaire. Describe a hypothetical situation in which each of these methods would be an effective way to collect information system requirements.
Answer: Interviews provide large amounts of rich, detailed information, but they are expensive to conduct in terms of the time they demand. Questionnaires, on the other hand, can reach many people at once, making them relatively less costly than interviews, but the data collected in this way will not be as rich or as plentiful as is the case with interviews. Both techniques involve careful planning and execution to be successful. Deciding which technique to use will be dependent on such factors as the size and complexity of the information system under study, the size and complexity of the organization in which the system resides, the funding available, and the expertise and preferences of the analysts.
1.4 Describe four traditional techniques for collecting information during analysis. When might one be better than another?
Answer: Traditional techniques for collecting requirements include interviewing and listening, administering questionnaires, observing users, and analyzing procedures and other documents.
Interviewing and listening involves talking with users individually or as a group to discover their views about the current and target systems; it also involves carefully preparing an interview outline and guide before conducting the interview. Interviews are best done when only a few people are involved, when you need open–ended questions or the questions vary from individual to individual, or when a more personal method is needed.
Administering questionnaires involves designing a questionnaire and determining who should respond to it; this method is typically used when there are too many key users to interview individually. Questionnaires are best when many people are involved, each person is to answer roughly the same questions, and people are remote or do not need personal care.
Directly observing users involves watching how people work in order to uncover information users may not be consciously aware of. Direct observation is best when detailed or complicated procedures must be documented, when you do not want people to know they are giving you information you need, when only a few people are involved, and observational data are representative of all situations.
Analyzing procedures and other documents involves identifying and collecting written procedures, forms, reports, and other relevant documents in order to better identify data and processes that would be part of the current and target systems. Analyzing documents is the best technique when documents are complete and unbiased, when other forms of requirements determination are too obtrusive, and when history must be studied and people do not have first–hand data about history.
1.5 An interview lends itself easily to asking probing questions, or asking different questions depending on the answers provided by the interviewee. Although not impossible, probing and alternative questions can be handled in a questionnaire. Discuss how you could include probing or alternative sets of questions in a questionnaire.
Answer: One way is to ask open–ended questions to let the individual write whatever is on their mind. In this way the questionnaire can be more probing than if it had only closed–ended questions. Another method is to ask a multiple-choice question or a yes/no question, and then, depending on which answer the respondent chooses, have them branch off into a specified set of questions. Alternatively, you might create different versions of a survey instrument, for example, one for users and one for managers of users.

1.6 Group interviews and JADs are very powerful ways to collect system requirements but special problems arise during group requirements collection sessions. Summarize the special interviewing and group problems that arise in such group sessions, and suggest ways that you, as a group interviewer or group facilitator or group facilitator, might deal with these problems. Answer: Some of the problems include difficulty in scheduling, enabling all group members to participate during the meeting, some people being afraid or not willing to speak in front of certain other people, conflicts existing among group members, keeping the group on track during the meeting, and accurately collecting all the information as multiple people speak at once. Some of the ways to deal with these problems include having training in team building, group dynamics, and managing conflict; having multiple interviewers work together; and using a technological aid such as CASE or GSS.

1.7 Suppose you were asked to lead a JAD session. List 10 guidelines you would follow to assist you in playing the proper role of a JAD session leader.
Answer: Suggestions for the JAD leader may include: the JAD sessions should be off–site, the proper people should be invited to the JAD sessions, establish clear ground rules for the sessions, set and follow a clear agenda, distribute the agenda to all participants before the sessions, remain neutral on issues, make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate, encourage people to be creative and break free of traditional ways of doing things, manage time effectively, and follow up with meeting notes. 1.8 Figure 2-6 shows part of a guide for an interview. How might an interview guide differ when a group interview is to be conducted? Answer: Because the group interview might be more difficult to conduct and more time consuming, the analyst might add to the interview guide “time certain” events or “time stamped” agenda items. For example, if the meeting begins at 8:00 A.M., and the manager of the users will come in to the meeting to give a brief talk, this event might be scheduled for 8:15 A.M. until 8:30 A.M. Other processes in the meeting will be postponed during this event. With time stamping, the analyst writes definitive start times next to each of the agenda items and then uses this to keep the group on track. Alternatively, the analyst might write specific questions that should be asked of specific members of the interview group. If several analysts are involved in the group interview, the group could be broken into parallel sessions, each with its own agenda. Finally, agenda activities should be allotted for discussion and interchange between the interviewees, so that consensus and synergy can occur.

1.9 How has computing been used to support requirements determination?
Answer: Computing has been used to support requirements determination in the form of CASE tools, group support systems, and prototyping.

1.10 How can CASE tools be used to support requirements determination? Which type of CASE tools are appropriate for use during requirements determination?
Answer: CASE tools can support requirements determination by supporting JAD and prototyping with diagramming, form and report design, repository access, and prototyping tools. The best-suited CASE tools are upper CASE tools.

1.11 What are disruptive technologies and how do they enable organization to radically change their business processes?
Answer: Disruptive technologies enable the breaking of long-held business rules that inhibit organizations from making radical business changes. Disruptive technologies enable companies to apply information technology innovatively. Consider the concept of a virtual university. Is this an acceptable application of a disruptive technology?

1.12 Compare collecting information by interview and by questionnaire. Describe a hypothetical situation in which each of these methods would be an effective way to collect information system requirements. Answer: Interviews provide large amounts of rich, detailed information, but they are expensive to conduct in terms of the time they demand. Questionnaires, on the other hand, can reach many people at once, making them relatively less costly than interviews, but the data collected in this way will not be as rich or as plentiful as is the case with interviews. Both techniques involve careful planning and execution to be successful. Deciding which technique to use will be dependent on such factors as the size and complexity of the information system under study, the size and complexity of the organization in which the system resides, the funding available, and the expertise and preferences of the analysts.

1.13 What is JAD? How is it better than traditional information-gathering techniques? What are its weaknesses? Answer: Joint Application Design or JAD is a structured process in which users, managers, and analysts work together for several days in a series of intensive meetings to specify or review system requirements. It’s better than traditional techniques because you have all key personnel in one place at one time, saving everyone time and resulting in high levels of system ownership as more people have more of a role in the development process. Weaknesses include the level of commitment necessary to make the JAD work, the high degree of required planning, and the typical lack of computer support.

1.14 Describe how prototyping can be used during requirements determination. How is it better or worse than traditional methods?
Answer: Prototyping can be used during requirements determination to collect user requirements and present them in the form of a working system prototype. Users can look at, play with, and compare the prototype to their system requirements. Analysts can then adjust the prototype to better fit what the users have in mind. Prototyping is better than traditional methods where system requirements are not well understood, where few users that are stakeholders are involved, where designs may be complex, where there have been past communication problems, and where the necessary tools are readily available. Prototyping may be worse than traditional methods where formal requirements are not documented, where prototypes become idiosyncratic to the initial user, where issues of data sharing and integration with other systems are ignored, and where SDLC checks are bypassed.

1.15 What unique benefits does a GSS provide for group methods of requirements determination, such as group interviews or JAD?
Answer: Group support systems provide unique benefits for group requirements determination through allowing everyone the opportunity for equal participation through typing instead of talking, and anonymity allows the shy and those afraid of criticism to participate.

1.16 When conducting a business process reengineering study, what should you look for when trying to identify business processes to change? Why?
Answer: As part of the BPR effort, key business processes should be identified. Key business processes are the structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market. Once these key business processes have been identified, those activities that can be radically improved should be identified. Primary candidates include those activities that are viewed as important, changeable, or dysfunctional. Benefits of BPR include radical improvements in speed, quality, and customer satisfaction.

4. End of Chapter Questions
1.1 Describe systems analysis and the major activities that occur during this phase of the systems development life cycle.
Answer: Systems analysis is the part of the systems development life cycle in which you determine how the current information system functions and assess what users would like to see in a new system. There are three sub–phases in analysis: requirements determination, requirements structuring, and alternative generation and choice.

1.2 Define each of the following terms:

a. Joint Application Design e. requirements structuring
b. Prototyping f. formal system
c. Group Support Systems (GSS) g. informal system
d. Requirements determination h. business processing reengineering

Answer: Joint Application Design is a structured process in which users, managers, and analysts work together for several days in a series of intensive meetings to specify or review system requirements. Prototyping is an iterative process of systems development in which requirements are converted to a working system that is continually revised through close work between an analyst and users. A group support system is an information system, typically consisting of a series of networked computers, in which specially designed software allows group members to share files and to enhance group communication and cooperation. Requirements determination is that phase of analysis in which analysts gather information on what the system should do from as many sources as possible: from users of the current system, from observing users, and from reports, forms, and procedures. Requirements structuring is that phase of analysis in which analysts document and organize the information they have collected about an information system. Formal system refers to the official way a system works as described in organizational documentation. An informal system is the way a system actually works. Business process reengineering refers to the overall process by which current business methods are replaced with radically new methods.

1.3 Match following terms to the appropriate definitions.

open-ended questions Questions in interviews and on questionnaires that ask those answering the questions to choose from among a set of pre-specified responses. closed-ended questions Trained individual who plans and leads JAD sessions.
JAD session leader Person who makes detailed notes of the happenings at a JAD session. scribe Responses to questions in interviews and on questionnaires that have no pre-specified answers. key business processes The structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market.

Answer: d. open–ended question b. JAD session leader e. key business processes a. closed–ended questions c. scribe

Multiple Choice

1.4 The first sub-phase of analysis is:
a. alternative generation and choice
b. requirements structuring
c. requirements determination
d. project identification and selection

1.5 Analysts gathering information from as many sources as possible about what the new system should do is indicative of:
a. requirements determination
b. requirements structuring
c. alternative generation and choice
d. project identification and selection

1.6 Which of the following statements represents the impertinence characteristic of a good systems analyst?
a. You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways.
b. Every fact must fit with every other fact.
c. Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the infeasible.
d. You should question everything.

1.7 Which of the following statements represents the reframing characteristic of a good systems analyst?
a. You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways.
b. Every fact must fit with every other fact.
c. Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the feasible.
d. You should question everything.

1.8 Which of the following statements represents the impartiality characteristic of a good systems analyst?
a. You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways.
b. Your role is to find the best solution to a business problem or opportunity.
c. Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the infeasible.
d. You should question everything.

1.9 The primary deliverables from requirements determination include:
a. the information gathered during the determination process
b. transcripts of interviews
c. notes from observation and from analysis documents
d. all of the above

1.10 The purpose of requirements structuring is to:
a. enable the analysts to gather information on what the system should do from as many sources as possible
b. enable the analysts to develop a baseline project plan quickly
c. enable the large amount of information gathered during requirements determination to be organized
d. enable the analysts to rapidly develop a new system

1.11 Traditional methods of collecting systems requirements include:
a. individually interview people
b. survey people via questionnaire
c. interview groups of people
d. all of the above

1.12 If your analysis of several written procedures reveals a duplication of effort in two jobs, you should:
a. indicate that one job be deleted from the new system
b. call the duplication to the attention of management as an issue to be resolved before system design can proceed
c. justify the duplication of effort
d. restructure the task so that duplication is removed

1.13 Forms are an important for understanding a business because they:
a. indicate the correct sequencing of tasks
b. describe how particular tasks are performed
c. indicate what data flow in or out of a system and which are necessary for the system to function
d. enable you to work backwards from the information on a report to the necessary data

1.14 A report:
a. indicates the inputs required for the new system
b. describes how a particular job or task is performed, including data and information that are used and created in the process of performing the job
c. indicates what data flow in or out of a system and which are necessary for the system to function
d. enables you to work backwards from the information on a report to the data that must have been necessary to generate them

1.15 Drawbacks of prototyping include:
a. a tendency to avoid creating formal documentation of systems requirements which can then make the system more difficult to develop into a fully working system
b. prototypes becoming very idiosyncratic to the initial user and difficult to diffuse or adapt to other potential users
c. prototypes being built as stand-alone systems
d. all of the above

1.16 The search for, and implementation of, radical change in business processes to achieve breakthrough improvements in products and services best defines:
a. Joint Application Design
b. Rapid Application Development
c. Structured programming
d. Business process reengineering

1.17 Technologies that enable the breaking of long-held business rules that inhibit organization from making radical business changes best defines:
a. business process reengineering
b. technology barriers
c. disruptive technologies
d. business constraints

1.18 Which of the following technologies disrupted the business rules of your having to find out where things are?
a. distributed databases
b. expert systems
c. advanced telecommunications systems
d. automatic identification and tracking technology

1.19 Which of the following is a way that JAD can benefit from GSS?
a. GSS-supported JADs tend to be more time efficient than traditional JADs.
b. Comments are more likely to be obtained from everyone.
c. GSS-supported JADs tend to be less structured.
d. Both a and b

1.20 Which of the following is not a modern method for collecting system requirements?
a. interviewing
b. group support systems
c. CASE tools
d. Joint Application Design

1.21 A written work procedure
a. indicates the job an analyst will need to perform on a given project
b. describes how a particular job or task is performed, including data and information that are used and created in the process of performing the job
c. indicates what data flow in or out of a system and which are necessary for the system to function
d. enables you to work backwards from the information on a report to the necessary data

1.22 The official way a system works as described in organizational documentation is referred to as a(n):
a. formal system
b. informal system
c. official system
d. desired system

1.23 The way a system actually works is referred to as a(n):
a. unofficial system
b. informal system
c. actual system
d. formal system

1.24 Which of the following is a reason for directly observing end users?
a. The analyst gets a snapshot image of the person or task being observed.
b. Observations are not very time consuming.
c. People often do not have a completely accurate appreciation of what they do or how they do it.
d. Employees will alter their performance if they know that they are being observed.

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...практические занятия | 8 | | | | | | | из них:продолжающаяся форма обучения | Аудиторные занятия | | | Онлайн занятия | | Лекции | 2 | | | | Семинары, | | | Самостоятельная работа студента | 50 | практические занятия | 2 | | | | Приложение № 2 Шаблон тематического плана учебной программы для бакалаврских программ смешанной формы обучения Тематический план № | Название темы курса или занятия | Постоянная форма | Продолжающаяся форма | | | Кол-во часов | Кол-во учеб. недель | Кол-во часов | | | Лекции | Семинары, практ-кие занятия | | Лекции | Установочныеауд. семинары, практкие занятия | Онлайн занятия | Ауд. семинары, практ-кие занятия | 1. | Introduction to Legal Terminology | 2 | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2. | Main legal systems | 2 | 2 | | | | | | 3. | Types of legal documents | 2 | | | | | | | 4. | Styles of legal writing | 2 | 2 | | | | | | 5. | Case...

Words: 3111 - Pages: 13

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...Unit Name: Business & Finance Ethics Unit Code: BBC1001 Year: 2015 Semester: 2 Location: City Flinders Prepared by: Dr Michelle Fong Welcome Welcome to this unit of study. This Unit Guide provides important information and should be kept as a reference to assist with your studies. This Guide includes information about your reading and resources, independent learning, class activities and assessment tasks. It is recommended that you read this Guide carefully: you will be expected to manage your learning as you work towards successful study. Detailed information and learning resources for this unit have also been provided on the Unit website on WebCT/VU Collaborate which can be reached via the Student Portal at It is important that you access your Unit website regularly. Please also refer to information provided on the Student Portal that supports studying at VU. Acknowledgement of Country We respectfully acknowledge and recognise the traditional owners, their Elders past and present, their descendants and kin as the custodians of this land. Contents Welcome Acknowledgement of Country Introduction to the unit ............................................................................................................................................3 Key staff ............................................................................................................................................................3 Required readings...

Words: 5756 - Pages: 24

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Intl Business

...|School/Portfolio: |The Business School | | |Course Code/ID: |BSMAN 3005 | | |Course Title: |Project Management | | |Teaching Location: |(Insert Teaching Location) | | |Program(s): |Bachelor of Applied Management | | |Author: |Alan Labas | | |Level: |Advanced...

Words: 3271 - Pages: 14

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Ongc Project

...University Syllabus for New MBA Program effective from Academic Year 2011-12 (Also applicable to 2nd Year Students of 2010-12 Batch MBA Program) COMPULSORY COURSES MBA-II Semester-IV Sub Name: - Comprehensive Project Report – Industry Defined Problem (CP-IDP) Sub Code: - 2830004 In addition to Major Specializations, there will be over sixty Sectorial / Industry Areas for Practical studies in which theoretical papers / books are not to be taught in regular classroom sessions, but the teachers and students are free to use any available books, publications and online material to understand and guide the students for various sectors. Ideally, a teacher should study and specialize in at least TWO Sectors, so four teachers can guide 60 students in a class. (Reference: Appendix 1: List of Sectorial Areas for Comprehensive Project study given in Sem III Syllabus). This report is similar to the Grand Project, which was the part of earlier syllabus. The Comprehensive Project Report is based on the research methodology and students have to prepare the research report by using appropriate scientific statistical research tools for preparation of the CP in consultation with the faculty guide. (Please also refer the Guidelines for CP in MBA Semester III, as the same Project Title continues in Semester IV). A student has to opt for any ONE of the Sectorial Areas and study it thoroughly. The students may undertake the CP based on the selection of an Industry Defined Problem (IDP), if possible for conducting...

Words: 19599 - Pages: 79

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Summer Internship Project

...Summer Project Report is to allow the students to organize and report the learning gained in the program and the summer project. The Summer Project Report should be a substantive contribution to the knowledge through integration of literature review and methodology developed pertinent to the understanding and resolution of management problems, and the empirical work done therein. The Summer Project Report should demonstrate competence in using or developing a model or a set of hypotheses, collecting and interpreting data, reaching conclusions and drawing implications for managerial practices. It should also highlight the impact of actions in one area or function, on the other area or functions in the organisation. The recommendations made in the Summer Project Report should be in both quantitative (costs and benefits) as well as qualitative terms, as far as possible. It is pertinent to note that the Summer Project Report represents a visible concrete output and would, therefore, have demonstrable potential enabling individuals to pursue further work on the theme by way of Ph.D. programme. It is also the output which may stand as testimony of the student's demonstrated skills and potential in the managerial arena. Topic for Summer Project Report Once the student has come up with a promising idea, he/she should subject it to careful scrutiny to determine whether it meets the following criteria: i) ii) iii) iv) It should sustain student interest and stimulate his/her imagination...

Words: 4236 - Pages: 17

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...Click here to download the solutions manual / test bank INSTANTLY!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Solution Manual in e-version of the following book*** Name: Accounting Information Systems Author: Romney Steinbart Edition: 11th ISBN-10: 0136015182 Type: Solutions Manual - The file contains solutions and questions to all chapters and all questions. All the files are carefully checked and accuracy is ensured. - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs.  - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6...

Words: 18533 - Pages: 75