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Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design


Submitted By frodriguez18
Words 311
Pages 2
CMIS 102 4060 Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design


Declare CPUCost As Float
Declare CaseCost As Float
Declare PowerSupplyCost As Float
Declare Motherboard As Float
Declare HardDriveCost As Float
Declare RAMCost As Float
Declare DVDCost As Float
Declare SoundCardCost As Float
Declare MonitorCost As Float
Declare GraphicsCardCost As Float
Declare OperatingSystem Cost As Float
//Prompt for and input the computer price:
Write “Enter the computer price:”
Input ComputerPrice
Call Compute_CPU_Cost module
Call Compute_Case_Cost module
Call Compute_Power_Supply_Cost module
Call Compute_Motherboard_Cost module
Call Compute_Hard_Drive_Cost module
Call Compute_RAM_Cost module
Call Compute_DVD_Cost module
Call Compute_Monitor_Card_Cost module
Call Compute_Graphics_Card_Cost module
Call Compute_Operating_System_Cost module
End Program
Declare CPUCost as Character
//Display the menu and input user selection:
Write “S – Intel i7”
Write “E – Intel i5”
Write “D – Intel i3”
Write “Selection”
Input CPU Choice
Select Case of CPU Choice
Case “S”:
Set CPUCost = 319
Case “E”:
Set CPUCost = 229
Case “D”:
Set CPUCost = 119
Write” Invalid Selection”
End Case
Declare CaseCost as Character
//Display the menu and input user selection:
Write “V – Thermaltake V3”
Write “C – NZXT Guardian”
Write “L – Cooler Master Elite 430”
Write “Selection”
Input Case Choice
Select Case of Case Choice
Case “V”:
Set CPUCost = 50
Case “C”:
Set CPUCost = 60
Case “L”:
Set CPUCost = 70
Write” Invalid Selection”
End Case
Declare PowerSupplyCost as Character
//Display the menu and input user selection:
Write “R – Corsair Builder Series CX 600W”
Write “D Logisys Corp. 550W”
Write “T – Corsair CX750 Builder Series ATX 80”
Write “Selection”
Input Case Choice
Select Case of Case Choice
Case “R”:
Set CPUCost = 70
Case “D”:
Set CPUCost = 27
Case “T”:
Set CPUCost = 90
Write” Invalid Selection”
End Case
Declare Shipping Charge, Selling Price As Float
Set ShippingCharge = 15
Set SellingPrice = CPUCost + CaseCost + PowerSupplyCost + Motherboard + HardDriveCost + RAMCost + DVDCost + SoundCardCost + MonitorCost + GraphicsCardCost + OperatingSystem
Write “The total selling price for your Computer is $” + SellingPrice

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