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Invasive Animals In The Everglades

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“Approximately 42% of threatened or endangered species are at risk primarily due to invasive species”. This is an environmental issue that I find particularly interesting because it is often overshadowed by more highly publicized issues. I was motivated to research this topic after reading a story about how humans had introduced pythons into the Everglades and the terrible consequences of those actions. Invasive species have left an atrocious path of destruction throughout recent history and their presence is only growing. When approaching this situation we need to view the natural and human introduction of invasive animals, what the effects are on all living creatures, and what we are doing to bring about a solution. Non-native species are …show more content…
We need to pay attention to this issue now and look forward at preventing it from spreading. Take the kudzu plant for example. The kudzu is a vine that originated in the subtropics of Japan. Kudzu was kept under control when much of it would die every year during winter time. In the 19th century they brought it over as a product for shading porches and a high protein diet solution for cattle. There was little screening done to what the effects of kudzu would be if it were to be let loose into the wild. The kudzu then spread to cover over seven million acres of land. For reference, seven million acres is about one fourth the size of the entire state of alabama. So you may be asking yourself, why do I care? Kudzu is decimating ecosystems. The vine will kill other plants by smothering them, and can even uproot entire trees from the ground. Not only is it affecting other plants but also is causing economic problems. Kudzu is covering thousands of acres of national park land, costing millions in tax money to use chemical and mechanical deterrents, and making power companies spend millions to repair damaged power lines. This all goes to drive home the point that invasive species like Kudzu are destroying ecosystems, but also costing us money. Many people have a ever decreasing care for the state of their surrounding environment. Even people like that can’t deny the importance of stopping invasive species at …show more content…
The yellow toadflax, starthistle, toothed spurge, and ragwort for example are weeds that wouldn’t stand out in in environment. These invasive species have chemicals in them that when eaten can have devastating results for cattle. The cattle can suffer from chewing disease, blindness, liver damage, and blisters. These weeds show that invasive species aren’t always obvious to the naked eye but nevertheless can have horrible effects. Farmers aren’t only affected either. Fishers are having types of fish be ousted by invasive species. These people’s lives depend on the surplus and maintenance of a steady population of fish in the water. Species like the pikeminnow have taken more than eighty percent of the population of the sought after fish. People are even seeking to pay others to kill the fish for $6 each.Image result for

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