...RE-INVENTING XYZ Financial Analysis Report Finance Team Prepared for: XYZ BPE Project XYZ Ministry of Government Services November, 1994 XYZ BPE Project Financial Analysis Report Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................................1 Financial Model Review ............................................................................................................................................................................3 Financial Baseline Review .........................................................................................................................................................................4 Base Case Financial Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................................4 Significant Costs and Benefits .................................................................................................................................................................5 Forecasted XYZ Operating Expenditures ..............................................................................................................................................14 Forecasted Operating Expenditures Comparison..........................................................................
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...PESTLE Analysis of Jordan 2013 Publish date: July 2013, more than 23 figures/charts and 13 tables are provided in this roughly 65-page report The economy of Jordan is considered among the upper-middle-income countries in the Middle East. Jordan’s economy is expected to reach $36.6 billion by 2018. Industrial and agricultural sectors have grown well in the economy despite the fact that Jordan possesses limited natural resources. The global financial crisis disrupted the macroeconomic and financial stability of many economies including Jordon. The GDP growth of the country went down drastically during recession. Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has conducted a competitive analysis on the various risk factors associated with the country and presents its findings in “PESTLE Analysis of Jordan 2013”. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the macro-economy, political scenario, social and technological position of Jordan. This report encompasses the knowledge on leading industries in the country. The report focuses on the challenges involved with Jordan’s economy. Jordan suffers from weak political reforms in the country. The government faces protests on social justice. The stability factor of the country is still an issue of concern. The global economic crisis affected the country’s economy. The weak business climate contracted the GDP growth rate, resulting in the economy’s cyclical downturn. The study analyses that...
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...5 3. Financial Analysis 5 3.1. Profitability 5 3.2. Analysis of Investment Performance 13 3.3. Financial Condition 17 3.4. Dividend Policy 22 4. Conclusion 26 5. References 27 Introduction The analysis supplied within this report has been undertaken from the perspective of a current shareholder in Singapore Airlines (SIA). The report provides critical assessment of the company's overall performance, assessment that would be relevant and meaningful to shareholders. Two major airlines have been selected to provide competitor comparison throughout this report. The two competitor airlines - Japan Airlines Ltd and Qantas Airways - have been selected because they are representative of current commercial passenger aviation competition within SIA's predominant operating region (Asia Pacific region). It should be noted that the 2010 and 2011 reporting periods occurred during a time of major reorganisation for Japan Airlines. In February 2010 Japan Airlines Corporation was de-listed from the Tokyo stock exchange and, after corporate reorganisation proceedings, was re-listed in 2012 as Japan Airlines Co. Ltd. Thus, financial information during this period is unavailable. We have utilised a number of analysis tools to generate a transparent position of the financial position of SIA and measured this position against competitor airlines operating in the same region and flying similar routes. Executive Summary This report provides an analysis of Singapore Airlines...
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...WHY I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT REAL ESTATE? Return: In most of the markets real estate investments perform better than equities and other asset classes. In emerging markets probably you have to go for development projects, as rental yield is not very attractive. In most of the developed markets real estate has performed better than stock market over time. And by leveraging your investment you can increase your return on equity many folds. Cash flow component in return: This one of the best thing about real estate investments – it behaves like a fixed income security, and with better yield. Rental income makes real estate more attractive even during tough time and many investors love to focus on the cash flow. Depreciation: You can’t depreciate your stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Depreciation is a gift from the government for real estate investors. Dampening of volatility in the portfolio: Real estate prices don’t fluctuate on daily basis. Fully optimized portfolios with real estate component in it have much lower volatility. Inflation hedge: real estate investments provide a good hedge against inflation. Rents usually increase with inflation, while mortgage payments on the property remain stable. This increases cash flow component. WHY SHOULD YOU NOT INVEST IN REAL ESTATE? Illiquid: Many a times real estate investments behave like illiquid assets. Generally it takes time to execute an actual exit, and liquidity can completely disappear from the market in tough times. Management...
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...Internship Report on “An Analysis of Financial Performance of BRAC Bank Ltd” Supervised By: Sk. Habibur Rahaman Senior Lecturer Manarat International University Prepared by: Al Sukran ID-1413MBA50346 Manarat International University Department of Business Administration Manarat International University Date of Submission: January 30, 2015 Internship Report on “An Analysis of Financial Performance of BRAC Bank Ltd” Supervised By: Sk. Habibur Rahaman Senior Lecturer Manarat International University Signature of Supervisor Prepared by: Al Sukran ID-1413MBA50346 Manarat International University Department of Business Administration Manarat International University Date of Submission: January 30, 2015 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL January 30, 2015 To Sk. Habibur Rahaman Senior Lecturer Department of Business Administration Manarat International University Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “An Analysis of Financial Performance of BRAC Bank Ltd” Dear Sir, With due respect to state that I am AL SUKRAN, ID-1413MBA50346 is a student of Masters of Business Administration of Manarat International University. I am delighting to submit here with a copy of internship report for your kind evaluation and appreciation. I have given my best effort to prepare the report with relevant information that I have collected from BRAC BANK LTD and from other sources during my internship program...
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...Memo Date: December 1, 2015 To: Mr. Evel Bigglesworth, CFO, Virtucon Investments 200 Main St, Houston, TX 77002 From: Lead IT Systems Operations Analyst, Virtucon Investments Subject: Progress Report for Virtucon Investments, Sales Department Laptop computer upgrade Purpose This is a progress report for the for the proposed laptop upgrade with the purchase of fifty laptop computers. This is due to the fact of Virtucon Investments restructuring its Sales Departments information technology needs. To date, my team has compiled a list of laptop models that best suit our company; and from those, one will be selected which we recommend for purchase. Summary On November 2nd, 2015 Mr. Bigglesworth CFO of Virtucon Investments, notified my IT department within Virtucon that he was exploring the possibility of restructuring its Sales Departments information technology with the purchase of fifty laptop computers. We came to the conclusion; because of the aging technology, and its effect on our clientele, it is important our Sales Department immediately have their computer workstations upgraded. As of November 23rd, 2015 we were slightly behind schedule due to certain laptop models not being in stock for proper testing. This will not hinder my department to provide a final analysis report to Mr. Bigglesworth on or before December 3, 2015. We have continued to work diligently to obtain all the proper laptop data in...
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...Internship Report on Portfolio Mix and Operational Performance of NBFIs in Bangladesh Under the Supervision of Dr. M. Sadiqul Islam Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Prepared by Robin Kumar Saha BBA ID: 16-039 BBA 16th Batch Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Date of Submission: ............, 2014 Letter of Transmittal .................., 2014 Dr. M. Sadiqul Islam Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Subject: Submission of Internship report. Dear Sir, Here is the report on ‘Portfolio Mix and Operational Performance of NBFIs in Bangladesh’ you asked me to conduct. Working on a practical field with theories helped me to build my theories strong and specific. I believe that this report will help me to know about the perfect mix of investment portfolio of NBFIs in Bangladesh and its relation with the operational performance of the firm. During preparing this report I have enforced my best effort. Surely, it enriches our knowledge and promotes our study. Thank you for giving me such an opportunity for working on the topic. I will be honored to provide you any additional information, if necessary. Sincerely yours, (Robin Kumar Saha) BBA ID: 16-039 BBA 16th Batch Acknowledgement I would like to express my sincere gratitude and cordial thanks to some person who helped me In the course of preparing this report. First of all, I want to mention my honorable...
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...Brochure More information from http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/2329821/ PESTLE Analysis of China 2012 Description: China’s economy has experienced a strong annual GDP growth rate of 10% during the last five years. It is expected to continue its growth momentum and surpass the US in GDP by 2020. A high rate of savings, abundant and increasingly skilled labor, healthy export business, and potential urban growth is likely to drive the Chinese economy to sustained growth during 2012- 2017. Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, performed a Political, Economical, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and Environmental (PESTLE) analysis of China and presents its findings in “PESTLE Analysis of China 2012.” As indicated in the study, foreign direct investment (FDI) has proven to be the driving force for China’s ongoing economic growth. The large and expanding market of China is attracting leading multinationals, encouraging local innovators, allowing domestic manufacturers to produce lowcost products, and permitting formation of industry clusters and business groups. Successive governments’ focus on reform processes and simplification of China’s tax law and FDI procedures makes China an ideal destination for investment and growth. The report also indicates that large-scale production diminishes production costs, leading to less-expensive exports. China’s strong presence as an export platform supports income and employment growth in the economy...
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...(usury) and will give increase for Sadaqaat (deeds of charity, alms etc.)And Allah likes not the disbelievers, sinners. −Surah Al-Baquarah, verse-276 O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba [(usury) (from now onward)], if you are (really) believers. −Surah Al-Baquarah, verse-278 And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger; but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums). −Surah Al-Baquarah, verse-279 1. Introduction Of The Report Bangladesh is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. The people of the Muslim community wishes to design their economic activities in accordance with the percepts of Islam so the establishment of some numbers of Islami Bank in Bangladesh is the true reflection of long day’s deep cry in their heart. The Objective of Islami Banking is not only to earn profit, but also to do good and welfare to the people. Islam upholds that, money, income and property belong...
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...Investment Principles and Analysis Trinity University FNCE 3352 Spring 2010 INSTRUCTOR: Carl M. Hubbard, Ph.D., CFA Office: CGC N3l6; phone 999-7283, carl.hubbard@trinity.edu OFFICE HOURS: 9:30 – 11:30 MW; 2:30 – 4:00 TTh; Other times available by appointment. TEXTBOOK: Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus. Essentials of Investments, 7th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. CALCULATOR: Texas Instruments BAII Plus Calculator COURSE OBJECTIVES The learning objectives for students in this course are: (l) improve your understanding of financial securities and markets, (2) develop the ability to analyze investment companies, common stocks, and bonds for investment decisions, (3) understand how options are valued and how option contracts are used in hedging and speculating, (4) understand how to apply security analysis techniques in relatively efficient capital markets, and (5) gain practical experience in trading securities. The prerequisite for this course is the completion of FNCE 3301 with a grade of C- or better. REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURSE 1. Complete the assigned readings and problems. 2. Attend and participate in each class meeting. 3. Complete the security analysis project. 4. Complete the three examinations as scheduled. READING AND PROBLEM ASSIGNMENTS The reading and problem assignments are designed to achieve the goals of the course and are to be completed in preparation...
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...2014 Market Research Report on Global and China Tire Industry 中国市场报告网 www.360baogao.com 报告简介 |【名 称】 |2014 Market Research Report on Global and China Tire Industry | |【编 号】 |13A9370 | |【版 本】 |2014年2月 | |【价 格】 |纸质版:14000元 电子版:14000元 纸质+电子版:15000元 | |【优惠价】 |¥ 12600 元 | |【电 话】 |400 612 8668、010-66181099、010-66182099 传真:010-66183099 | |【邮 箱】 |Kf@360baogao.com | |【网 址】 |http://www.360BaoGao.com/2014-02/2014_Market_Research_Report_on_Global_and_China_Tire_Industry/ | |【提 示】 |如需中文、日文等其他语言版本报告,请向客服咨询。 | was professional and depth research report on Global and China Tire industry. The report firstly introduced Specialty Tire basic information included Tire definition classification application industry chain structure industry overview; ...
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...Investment Applications for our 2016 Investment Graduate Programme are now open. Programme details We are looking for entrepreneurial graduates to join our Investment division. As a graduate trainee within Investment you will be required to assist Fund Managers with research into particular investment strategies, providing analysis of the drivers of future returns and an understanding of the risks associated with them. The twoyear programme will provide you comprehensive training and support together with the practical and theoretical experience to prepare you for an agile and global career within investment. As part of your training you will gain experience in some of the following areas: Equities Equities is Schroders’ largest asset class and we manage over £134.4bn* in equity assets. As part of a rotation within Equities you will be required to assist Fund Managers with researching companies within a variety of sectors and countries creating proprietary financial models and research notes. Prior to recommending a stock, you will be expected to generate independent forecasts on the key drivers of the business and present your research to the team. Your analysis and recommendations will be subject to rigorous scrutiny by senior investment professionals therefore you will enjoy early responsibility and will be rewarded by knowing you have played a key part of the investment decision making process. Data Consultants are responsible for delivering insights to our internal customers...
Words: 778 - Pages: 4
...Bangladesh University of Business & Technology {BUBT} REPORT ON Ratio analysis of KOHINOOR CHEMICAL Submitted To Ms Reshma Nowreen Lecturer on Finance Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) Submitted By: Group Name: SNOW WHITE Intake : 22nd Section : 03 Program: BBA Course Title: Managerial Finance Course Code: FIN 302 |Name Of Group Members | |ID No | | | | | | | |Md. Tafazzal Islam | |09103101127 | |22nd ...
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......................................... ANNUAL REPORTS & ACCOUNTS Analysis & Benchmarking Review for NOVEMBER 2012 .......................................................................... CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY METHODOLOGY AND PROCESS KEY RESULTS EXTEL CONTACTS 3 4 6 8 9 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thomson Reuters Extel, on behalf of MICEX-RTS Exchange, has carried out a thorough analysis and assessment of English language Annual Reports & Accounts. From our extensive Extel interviews, benchmarking and rankings of investor relations worldwide, it is very evident that for both analysts and investors, the investment decision process involves considerable specific assessment of stocks, within a framework of how well these stocks may fit the overall investment horizons and asset allocation processes of any buyside firm. In undertaking the stock analysis, the fundamental for an investor is to develop the investment model, and from that to clearly define value drivers in a company, and then how well management expresses, endorses and embodies those value drivers. In undertaking this initial model-based assessment, the global data we have shows that over 70% of investors worldwide rely on Annual Report & Accounts from a company as the core dataset they use to construct these models, and the ongoing primary reference point to review and update their analysis. As such, the importance of the Annual Report & Accounts is very clear, and we believe, makes...
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...Investment Principles and Analysis Trinity University FNCE 3352 Spring 2010 INSTRUCTOR: Carl M. Hubbard, Ph.D., CFA Office: CGC N3l6; phone 999-7283, carl.hubbard@trinity.edu OFFICE HOURS: 9:30 – 11:30 MW; 2:30 – 4:00 TTh; Other times available by appointment. TEXTBOOK: Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus. Essentials of Investments, 7th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. CALCULATOR: Texas Instruments BAII Plus Calculator COURSE OBJECTIVES The learning objectives for students in this course are: (l) improve your understanding of financial securities and markets, (2) develop the ability to analyze investment companies, common stocks, and bonds for investment decisions, (3) understand how options are valued and how option contracts are used in hedging and speculating, (4) understand how to apply security analysis techniques in relatively efficient capital markets, and (5) gain practical experience in trading securities. The prerequisite for this course is the completion of FNCE 3301 with a grade of C- or better. REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURSE 1. Complete the assigned readings and problems. 2. Attend and participate in each class meeting. 3. Complete the security analysis project. 4. Complete the three examinations as scheduled. READING AND PROBLEM ASSIGNMENTS The reading and problem assignments are designed to achieve the goals of the course and are to be completed in preparation for the discussion of that...
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