Premium Essay

Invetment Process of Islamic Bank


Submitted By ArifChw
Words 2534
Pages 11
4.1 Investment Process of FSIBL:
Generally a bank takes several steps to deliver its proposed investment to the client. The process takes deep analysis because it invests deposit fund not its own fund. If the bank fails to meet the depositors demand, then it must collapse. So each bank specially Islamic bank should take strong concentration on investment proposal. However, First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) makes its investment decision through successfully passing the following crucial steps:
4.1.1 Induction of new client: * Only potential and genuine clients having Al-Wadiah Current Account with proper introduction and with satisfactory transaction for a reasonable period (generally six month) should be induced as a investment clients. * Past performance of the client with other Bank/ Branches of the Bank to be looked into. * Satisfy about reputation of the client in the business community.
General eligibility criteria for selecting a client as follows: * Bangladeshi Nationality, physical capable and age limit from 18 to 60 years. * Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Private Limited Company. * Valid licenses like Trade Licenses, VAT registration, TIN etc. * Source and capacity of repayment backed by positive cash flow. * Definite market and prospect of future expansion. * Adequate infrastructure facility and manpower with required skill and experience. * Clean CIB report. * The client must have clear idea about the business and require experience. * All other criteria laid down in the Instruction Circular, Manuals of relevant investment product. * The client must have excellent past performance/ goodwill with us/ other Bank. * The client must have no overdue/ classified liability or liability regularized by rescheduling with us or any other Banks * Clients of other Banks having liabilities

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