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Iowa State University Student Community Analysis

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“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” This was stated by Ryunosuke Satoro, to challenge peoples view over diversity in society. As the years progress, the United States continues to increase its multicultural population. The top three population groups include White Americans, African Americans, and Latino Americans. Therefore, the interaction with different ethnic groups within a society is inevitable. Growing up with the same cultural group, morals, and norms leads an individual to form personal bias. This could range from judging someone by appearance or assuming specific genders have certain authority. Student and faculty members may be influenced to challenge their biases while on campus through the context of Iowa State University Principles of Community. …show more content…
The first day, in one of my courses, I noticed the professor was from a different race than most of my professors at Iowa State. He introduced himself and that’s where I learned he was from Thailand. He must have learned the English language at an older age because he had a thick accent. I sat in his lecture hall thinking, I’m going to fail this class. I could hardly understand him, and I thought it would get in the way of my education. I thought he was going to be a hard professor and not speak clearly enough. On the contrary, this class has only been challenging because of the course material. After the first two lectures I saw he was a good professor, his accent wasn’t a problem, and he cared about our success. My bias about multicultural professors from a my first encounter was wrong and he has been one of my favorite teachers this

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