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Irena Sendler Rescuer

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Being a rescuer does not only put the rescuer’s life at risk, but also the person being helped. However, the risk of saving someone else’s life becomes an reward in the end. Irena Sendler, a social worker, saved as many Jewish children as she could. Taking it day by day was what she had to do when dealing with getting the children out of Nazi power. Irena Sendler accomplished by becoming a rescuer of the Warsaw ghetto. The only thing Irena Sendler had to do in her job was help and save children, which she and her team where good at. Being a social worker was hard on her as well as the parents. Children being taken from their parents and put in the hands of a stranger must have been hard for all. Having the job helped her. “ Sendler was …show more content…
Her biggest worry each day was not getting caught. She had a secret jar buried under an apple tree in her friends backyard in which she kept the real names of all the children. Hoping the jar would not be discovered must have been a constant worry. Everything was good until the day Irena got caught. “Arrested and tortured by the Gestapo in the fall of 1943, she was sentenced the death, but Zegota managed the rescue her before she could be executed.” ( United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Unfortunately, she was badly beaten by the Gestapo, resulting in broken legs and feet. Even in her older age she still had to use a wheel car the get around. Her body may have been broken but her sprit was not. She always had a heart for her kids. However, the parents of the children and other Jewish people were still in misery. “ In those times there was darkness everywhere. In the heaven and on earth, all the gates of compassion seemed to have been closed. The killer killed and the Jews died and the outside world adopted an attitude either of complicity or of indifference. Only a few had the courage to care.”(“Irena Sendler”). Everyone in those camps knew something would happen to them. The only hope was that Irena Sendler would save their children. She cared for the children as if they were her own, rescuing them and keeping them

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