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Irish Dance Research Paper

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Leaping and kicking. Their legs cutting through the air life a knife through butter. Hard dance shoes on their feet banging against the floor. Filling the room with rhythmic bangs. Arms staying still at their sides. Never moving. Curly wigs attached to their heads. The curls bouncing with every step. Dresses filled with multi colored gems and fabric. Light bouncing off them making them shine. The sound of a violin playing fast in the background. Each step they take to the rhythm. This is the world of Irish Dance. The world of the Corda Mór Irish dance school in Edina, Minnesota. Corda Mór Irish Dance is one of many Irish dance schools located in the Twin Cities. Teaching kids from age five all the way to twenty. This school has been a big part of my family for years. Both my younger sister, Clare, and my older sister, Kennedy, have been a part of it. My father, Joe, is even the emcee for the school. As Kennedy got older she moved onto other things, like college. Clare however is still very actively involved in the community and will be for some time. Dancing her heart away. Only in seventh grade Clare has been dancing all her life. Ever since she was five she has been on that dance floor. Tapping away to the beat. After …show more content…
During certain seasons they go on tour around Minnesota showing off their school and trying to recruit new students. They travel with music, beautiful dresses, and an Emcee wearing a kilt. Also known as my father, Joseph. Currently, Clare tells me, they are preparing for St. Patrick’s Day. They will go on tour for two whole weeks showing off the school and Irish culture. They will go to retirement homes, schools, downtown, malls, pubs, and many more places. They do a whole bunch of different dances. Each with its own song, choreography, and overall look. The dances have names like the Reel, Slip Jig, Hornpipe, and Treble Jig. Each dance visibly different but all of them

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