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Race In Today's Society

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In today’s society, a person’s race, class, and gender has huge influences on their life. Most people are in a racial bubble. This is a figure speech, describing the difficulty for people to live amongst others without fear. Most people are stuck with what they are most comfortable with and it is very tough to escape. Everyone comes from somewhere and it is up to them to determine who they are. A person’s race is something very distinctive and powerful about them. Ethnicity carries so much with it, such as culture or the past history of the specific race. Racism is something very formidable and still exists to this day. Some people have trouble accepting that we are all human, no matter what color we are. In some cases, people of the same race would like to stick together. For example, a group of african american men could to choose to stay in a group with themselves rather than hangout with other people. Your race has to do with your cultures and where you came from, and most may chose to stay with own instead of trying to connect with others. The race you come from holds all the struggles, pain, and hardships which makes it difficult to step out the bubble. …show more content…
A poorer or less fortunate person most likely would not want to be around a person with a wealthier lifestyle. The amount of money someone has can determine their personal struggle such as a family keeping a job or lack of education. The less fortunate may not want to be around others who have it much easier than them, because they can’t relate to there struggle. Vice versa for the wealthier people, in most cases, they wouldn't want to be around others who don’t live like them or have what they have. Wealth also shows one’s status and intertwining with others isn't easy for most. This is simply just the way society is today. This is another reason why specific people stay in there own

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