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Racial Society


Submitted By cpulliza
Words 634
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Ethics 125
Cultural Diversity
Racial Diversity in Society

Associate Program Material

Racial Diversity in Society Worksheet

Part I

Complete the following using the MySocLab Social Explorer Map: Income Inequality by Race (located on the student website) as a reference:

• Select 1 racial group from the list below:

o African American o Asian American o Arab American o Hispanic American/Latino o White/Caucasian

• Write a 150- to 300-word summary of the economic, social, and political standings of that group. Use additional resources if necessary, from the University Library or your textbooks. Provide citations for all the sources you use.

The political, social and economics standings for the Hispanic America/Latino have been getting strength during the years. At the beginning the Hispanic American/Latinos came to the United States with low income and they work in whatever was available to make some money. The social aspect of the Hispanic American/Latino where that they move to a few states only and stayed there, one of those state would be New York. In the political standing the Hispanic American/Latino has none. In these days the Hispanic American/ Latino a lot of them have move to medium or high income. The social aspect has change, now you can find Hispanic American/Latinos in the fifty states of the United States. And in the political aspect in the last decade we have Hispanic in the senate and in the congress. A Hispanic American/Latino name that is in the news every week will be the Cuban Marco Rubio from the Republican Party.

Part II

Answer the following in 50 to 150 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use.

What is racism? In what ways does racism affect diversity?

Racism is the belief or doctrine that inherent differences among

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