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White Privilege And Racism Research Paper

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The relationship between racism and white privilege is obvious in their individual definitions alone. Racism is the belief that all members of a certain race possess characteristics specific to that race, and as such, distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. (4) The white privilege system maintains this racial dominance through a series of beliefs, behaviours, policies and use of language. (12) It is a particular set of advantages, often invisible to those who benefit from it the most, and these advantages that white people hold are a direct result of the disadvantages of other people.
“We have a racist society without acknowledging any actual racists” (Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, 2010).
Initially, the word ‘race’ sparks …show more content…
The removal of the word “nude” eliminates any racial implications corresponding to white privileges, whilst re-establishing a sense of equality.

The biological fact of life and of gender is simple, yet not without its social implications. Society today is governed by the ideologies portrayed through social constructivism; the sociological theory of knowledge and the creation of a culture with shared meanings. It is this theory that determines what ‘gender’ is, and as such, delineates the limitations and heterosexual ‘norms’.
“The health of GLBTI is poorer than their heterosexual counterparts on a number of different measures.” (Willis and Elmer, 2010, p. 137)
Those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex undergo different life experiences which impact detrimentally upon their mental health. There is limited availability of mental health services that are able to respond to their needs when combating the difficulties in today’s homophobic society. There is growing evidence to support that those who identify as GLBTI suffer from increased anxiety and depression, and are therefore at greater risks of self-harm and …show more content…,. (2014). The Mental Health of LGBTI Australians | National LGBTI Health Alliance. Retrieved 20 October 2014, from

7.,. (2014). Intro. Retrieved 20 October 2014, from

8. Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2002). Guidelines for cultural safety, the treaty of Waitangi, and Maori health in nursing and midwifery education and practice. Wellington: Nursing Council of New Zealand.

9.,. (2014). racism: definition of racism in Oxford dictionary (British & World English). Retrieved 20 October 2014, from

10. Suicide and LGBTI People. (2010) (1st ed.). Retrieved from

11.,. (2014). On Racism and White Privilege | Teaching Tolerance. Retrieved 20 October 2014, from

12.,. (2014). Undoing Racism and White Privilege. | From the Field. Retrieved 20 October 2014, from

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