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Ethical Decision Making In Healthcare

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Everyday staff members who provide healthcare services are faced with the issues of right and wrong also known as ethics. Something that can be a problem is that, different people have different moral and ethical guidelines depending on the situation, making certain hot topic issues such as abortion, stem cell research, and the right to die highly debatable issues. Something these issues all have in common is that they all have made nationwide headlines in the past few years with parties on both sides making their points. When working in healthcare, even when one of these issues are something that people feel deeply about, providers can’t let them be the main factor in making choices for the practice or organization. Following an ethical decision …show more content…
Each and every step is critical in the ethical decision making process. McWay (2013) Tells us that there are nine steps in ethical decision making: “Step one would be to define the issue, step two is determine the facts of the situation, step three would be determining who the stakeholders are, the values at stake, and the obligations and interest of each stakeholder, step four determine what options are available and evaluate them, step five decide what should be done, step six is justify the decision made by identifying reasons that support the decision, step seven is implement the decision, step eight is evaluate the outcome of the decision, and finally step nine is examine how to prevent the issue from …show more content…
Stem cell research often times uses stems cells from an aborted fetus. Human embryonic stem cells a lot of times are referred to as master cells and they can be transformed into essentially any other type of cell in the human body, helping to aide in research for cancer patients along with others (Aylesworth, B. E., 2010). “To obtain embryonic stem cells for research, the embryo is essentially destroyed” (Aylesworth, B. E., 2010). Under President Obama restrictions on federal research grants were recently lifted (Aylesworth, B. E., 2010). Following the same guidelines of the ethical decision making process, the issue would be using embryonic stem cells to further research for normally terminal illnesses. The facts are: that even though an embryo would be destroyed, thus leaving a life without a future, the stem cells collected can be turned into any cell that it would need to be to help save a life of a patient that is terminally ill. Another option that could be taken be the patient would be decided to save the core blood at birth from that patient so that they could be used in case a terminal illness arose. Still another option available would be to use conventional medicine that is already in practice today for those issues. Assessing the consequences of this ethical issue could help to further federal funding and grants for more research in the

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