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Bullying In High School

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Peer pressure is hard enough for teenage, but bullying someone is very serious. Growing up as a teenage can be difficult. So many obstacle that teenagers have to go through. Bullying is one of many that kids deal with in life. Bully is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behavior by a person or group of people that direct towards a less powerful person that is intended to cause harm, distress or even fear . This kind of behavior can happen not only to teenagers, but to the elderly, athletics, adults, kids, and on cyber websites. First, an elderly person life can change real quickly. One minute they are in their own homes. The next, they have to move to a nursing home to be taken care of. This can be over whelming for an elderly person. Once they move into their a new surroundings, nothing to them is familiar. Nursing homes faculty workers can be rude and harsh to the elderly. That can make an older person feel bullied. Talking to them like they are kids and not the age they are. …show more content…
Being picked on in college or NFL by your other teammates can be scary. Knowing you are the rookie on the team, other teammates feel like you are trying to take their place. Even though, that is not the case, they feel the need to rough the new kid on the block up. Stuffing the lockers with tissues, super gluing their helmets on their heads, dumping the teammate upside down in the trash can, or not passing them the ball on the field during a game or practice. These are some of the things new teammates go through being a rookie on the team. Taking to them any kind of way, not respecting them for who they are, causing them to almost shut down. It can almost make that athlete go into depression. They may even leave the

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