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Iron Deficiency Anemia Research Paper

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What is iron?
Iron is one of the essential minerals for the human body. It is an integral component of hemoglobin, the agent in the red blood cells responsible for the transportation of oxygen in the body.

Insufficient iron in the body makes it difficult to manufacture hemoglobin, which could potentially lead to anemia. This is one of the most prevalent from of anemia commonly known as iron-deficiency anemia.

The following factors may result in insufficient iron in the body:
1) Loss of blood (certain cancers and ulcers and a variety of conditions: menstrual periods may also result in low iron in women);
2) A diet low in iron;
3) Medications that make the body inefficient at absorbing iron;
4) Conditions or circumstances such as pregnancy, …show more content…
The doctor will determine the number and type of blood tests to be performed depending on what type of anemia they believe you are at higher risk of.

Most blood tests determine the levels of iron and hemoglobin in the body with lower levels indicating anemia.

Treatment of Anemia
Depending on your diagnosis and the likely cause of your anemia, your health care provider will recommend appropriate treatment.

The first thing the doctor needs to do is determine if your anemia is the result of a health condition or simply a deficient diet. Once the determination is made, they can treat you for the anemia and the …show more content…
Moreover, you may require more iron than normal due to the ESA therapy;
6) If you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia and are scheduled for a high blood loss surgery in two months or less. Any surgery that may cause blood loss of greater than 500 ml will call for quick iron replacement. IV iron is the best option, as the iron will be absorbed into the body almost immediately as compared to oral supplementation.

Administration of IV

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