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School Dress Code Analysis

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In 2015, up to 50 (possibly more) girls from Vista Murietta High School in Southern California were forced to miss their exams. They were sent home for “violating” the school’s dress code with their clothes that were appropriate for the 90 degree weather. However when looking back on their outfit choices, they weren’t actually breaking any of the rules. After taking a look at the official school dress code, they saw that it listed the rules along with the words “ADMINISTRATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DETERMINE ‘APPROPRIATE DRESS CODE.’” This pretty much means that, even if their outfits are following the rules, some teacher can dress code them because they don’t like it. Schools should not enforce a dress code, because they are body-shaming, sexist, and promote rape culture. …show more content…
This exact situation happened to 17-year-old Kelsey Anderson in Joplin, Missouri. Kelsey wore an appropriate blouse, but was called out by a teacher who said, “Your boobs are bigger than most girls, and you are gonna have to try harder.” She was also called “busty” and “plus-sized” by the teacher. Kelsey was so embarrassed and horrified by this. This shows that dress codes can be a form of body-shaming. Girls everywhere are being dress coded and sent home, because they are seen as a “distraction” to their boy classmates. Girls are not distractions. The issue is that dress codes are sexist towards girls. It’s easy for boys to wear appropriate t-shirts and long shorts, but dress codes usually don’t take into consideration that girls have all different body types. It’s hard to find clothes that are flattering to their personal body type and follow the rules. However instead of changing the rules to accommodate the girls, they punish them and lower their self worth by labelling them as

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