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Memory And Open City Research Paper

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What is memory? Memory is the ability of the brain to store, retain, and subsequently recalls information. Also, it can trigger what allow an individual to set up actions that occur when a certain condition has been met or an event has occurred. These events trigger the most flexible, distance, and time motions Therefore, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; can cause a “human beings [to] harm [another] human beings it sets into motion.” While creating a problem that destroys relationships that will last a lifetime. Additionally, there are several contrast and comparison between memory and motion that occur in “the swimmer” and Open city.
Firstly, Neddy and Julius are very like to each other, repressing the memory to avoid pain and refuse to acknowledge …show more content…
He also met with Moji, which he has forgotten who she is and what he has done to her. Julius wanted to know how to change the past, which it can’t be changed. Moji said
“I don’t think you’ve change at all Julius. Things don’t go away just because you choose to forget them. You forced yourself on me eighteen years ago because you could get away with it.” Open city pg. 245.
Secondly, even though Neddy and Julius principle are very like from each other, they are also outstandingly different in many ways. First, Neddy wanted to experience new things and focused on moving forward. For example, naming the pools around the neighborhood as the “Lucinda river,” and made it into a challenge that he can swim across several pools around the neighborhood to reach home and family. In addition, Neddy wanted to relate everyone around him, whether it was race, class, or gender. Though making it awkward for everyone to be themselves. For instance, trying to seduce the babysitter into joining him on his “Lucinda river” adventure. Unlike, Julius he wanted no ties with anyone or anything expect his grandmother, which he is trying to find out more about his past. Also, he referred rain as “flood”, which made everything easier and clearer for him to understand that made him more interested in history. For example, leaving his work, because felt overwhelmed from the pressure of it. He needed …show more content…
For Neddy, he avoided pain by swimming through pools around his neighborhood while trying to go home to his family.
Similarly, to Julius in “Open city,” he avoided some responsibilities by distress from pressure from work. Dealing with a successful introjection vs unsuccessful corporation to repressing the memory with grief in a work field. For example,
“Set against this bigger picture, I saw an old gentleman Mr. F, was eighty-five years old and, save for some cataract, was in remarkably good physical health. For a few months, his family had assumed that he was sliding into Alzheimer’s disease: His attention wandered, his memory failed and often he seemed to be lost in the moment.” Open City, pg.

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