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Police Career Paper

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The world all law enforcement is quite diverse, the options inside are unlimited, there is more to law enforcement than just meets the eye, law enforcement officials have a tough duty in keeping citizens safe and dealing with the struggles of a society that no longer stands with them, throughout this article, we will learn what it is like to be a police officer through Steven Berry. Steven Berry is a police officer in Lincoln Nebraska, he graduated from Kearney High School in 1998, he went on to join the United States Marine Corps, and graduate with a degree Bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2004. in 2007, he married his wife Lindsay Berry, and to this union three boys were born; Tyler, Alex, and Mathew. Steve and his family live in Gretna. …show more content…
Lincoln police officers as well as the community are trying to break away from the trends happening in our country and return to community policing, a type of policing that is proactive between citizens and police to work together to solve problems. I have deep compassion for the men and women who risk their lives every day to keep us safe during this time when the country is so divided. In every career there are people who do not have good intentions, however we should not let those people define the entire career and everyone who is a part of that career. It seems that all police officers are being judged for the actions of the police officers who have not had the greatest intentions. Most police officers want to help those who need it, and want to keep everyone safe, including themselves, they do not want to harm or kill anyone. Police officers are people too, they have family and friends outside the uniform. Society needs to relearn how to respect one and other rather than attack people based on their beliefs, the color of their skin, or the uniform they wear. This country is in for a very rude awakening if we

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