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Prionailurus Rubiginosus Evolution

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Pages 3
Biology Animal Evolution of Prionailurus Rubiginosus
Donaji A. Silva
Fred N. Thomas Career Education Center Early College Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to provide details on Prionailurus rubiginosus such as its physical traits, behaviors, habitats, and adaptations to its environment that assist in the species’ continued existence and survival. Using this information and research that has been conducted, the most likely ancestor for Prionailurus rubiginosus is Wild cat lineage. This is based on the theory of evolution and other scientific concepts, and the evidence that supports this conclusion is included.

Keywords: Prionailurus rubiginosus, evolution, physical traits, behavior, habitat, adaptation, ancestor

Introduction …show more content…
Full grown females weigh less than grown male by .3kg. Males weight 1.7 kg and females weight 1.4 kg. Although in the first few months grown females are bigger than the males because when developing the females developed faster at first, but stop growing before the male cats stop …show more content…
Both males and females spray urine for scent-marking.This study focused on the behaviour of the Rusty-Spotted Cats Prionailurus rubiginosus housed in non-exhibit enclosures at the National Zoological Gardens, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka. The observed both male and female rusty spotted cats. The data were gathered by conducting direct observations and indirectly using remote camera traps placed inside the enclosures. Ad libitum sampling and focal animal sampling were conducted. Remote camera traps were used for night-time observations.The behaviors identified indicated that rusty-spotted cats in captivity show behaviours defined as “locomotion/activity” most frequently, especially during the early dusk hours. Both males and female behavior we very closely related to each others. The rusty spotted cat is known for being in the wild, aggressive and highly agile, the captive animals have shown less aggression and agility. They also have shown very little behavior under the reproductive behaviour pattern creating doubts about contribution to captive breeding at the zoo.

Habitats The rusty-spotted cat inhabits dry deciduous forest, scrub, grassland and rocky areas. It has also occasionally been found in modified habitats such as tea plantations, sugarcane fields and the attics of houses surrounded by paddy fields and coconut plantations Occurring in India and Sri Lanka, most records of the rusty-spotted cat are from southern

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