... ENC1101 4/18/2013 School Uniforms Did you ever notice how the students in the school dress a little to revealing? Well school uniforms would help get rid of that problem so the students could concentrate more on school work. Wearing schools uniforms would help make students’ lives simpler. The students would no longer have to worry about what to wear every morning. School should be based on how the students learn, not how they look. They should enforce the school uniform policy so that no one has to worry what everyone else is wearing and concentrate on schoolwork. According to Gary, “School uniforms are a great way to maintain a level of social equality among the students.” School uniforms make everyone equal. In this way, everyone would be at the same level. School uniforms would help the student in many ways. Students would no longer be worry about what to wear. Getting ready for school would be much faster and easier. The students would have a great benefit wearing schools uniforms. Students will feel more comfortable in the school, and there will be no difference between the “rich” kids and the poor ones. School uniforms are good for many reasons. School uniforms are cheaper that buying jeans and shirts for school and that is a benefit for the parents of the students that are in the school. Also the students won't have to worry about the clothes that they have to wear to school. According to Marian K, “School uniforms can save parents a lot of money as they...
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...Why a school uniform My opinion about school uniform is that it is a good idea to have a uniform. If school students are poor and rich, you can not find difference between them, if they use school uniform. School uniform can also be good because many students tease others about how their clothes are. I think, it is very good that many schools have uniform. An other advantage for the school uniform could be that you do not always have to change your clothes every second day. Some students will not be mobbed because every students have the same uniform, but boys and girls have difference uniforms. The disadvantage for the school uniform is that parents can not afford it. Sometimes the teacher can be confused, because all students have the same uniform. It might be good if the pupils in our school wear school uniforms. Primarily, the students will see much better with school uniform than the normal clothes, they use everyday at school. Secondarily, any student in the school can not be embarrassed with their clothes. But it is also difficult for the parents to pay the price the school uniforms cots. I am sure that some students and parents are not on this agreement, but I am also sure that some students and parents are with the agreement as described above. The students will be equal with other children, who are rich. Of course, I will wear a school uniform, because I want to try something, I never have done before. Because the students in England use uniforms, I always...
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...Effect Essay Do School Uniforms Restrict Students’ Freedom? What do baseball players, flight attendants and even restaurant’ clerks have in common? They all wear uniforms to do their work efficiently. School uniform requirements have been controversial among students, parents, and school officials. Do school uniforms restrict students’ freedom? Some students and parents believe that forcing students to wear uniforms ignores their basic rights. But uniforms have lots of strong point for students because school uniforms can help students when they are more sensitive and emotional than any of time in the whole life. School life is between adulthood and childhood. In other words, students are experiencing sudden change in their life; so they are very sensitive about their appearance. Especially, students tend to follow fashion trends because they accord importance to things that they are able to see. Also, they feel and share anxiety together. They can feel comfortable when they notice that they belong in the same group, which contains similar people to them. This means that students can get confidence and emotional stability when they are same with others in a group. Thus, wearing school uniforms eliminates the problems of worrying about appearance and fashion because all students wear school uniforms. Also they don’t need to agonize what to wear in the morning before going to school. One effect is that students can save the time to prepare for school, instead. Furthermore...
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...prone to go for a uniform or their regular “street clothes?” Eighty percent of adolescents are more likely to pick the regular clothes because they want to have their own style (Mitchell; Knechtle 3). Do students’ feel more confident when they are dressed in a uniform? A girl in “Dress Code Blue” said, “I feel uncomfortable in uniforms, and if I feel uncomfortable, then I feel lazy and don’t want to do anything” (DaCosta, 4). It is a drag to go to school knowing that people are more than likely to look like everyone else? A lot of students are between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this decision. Did you know that Americans spend around $1 billion per year on school uniforms? (School Uniforms). The topic on whether or not to wear uniforms is not beneficial to the students, or to parents, due to the fact that they’re unaffordable, they do not prevent gang affiliation, and they do not give students a sense a sense of individuality. One of the major issues students’ have with uniforms is that they are unaffordable and parents should not have to buy the uniforms. Over the years parents should have complained about how the uniforms are so expensive and how they are having financial problems. “In addition to finding that the level of parental perceptions of the cost of uniform, the survey elicited strong comments from parents on the subject of school uniforms” (West; Tidwell; Bomba; Elmore 1). Urban Schools should already have the uniforms for the student, if they want it...
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...Argument for Public School Uniforms Sydney Slifka University of Colorado Denver School uniforms have created a debate to whether or not they are an effective addition to a school environment and to individual students themselves. Over the last decade, uniforms in public schools have increased, bringing a great deal of controversy along with them. With this public controversy there have been lawsuits, increased media attention, criticism from parents and complaints from students as well as increased academic research. There have been many recent studies done that offer evidence that school uniforms have been effective in many different ways. The purpose of this paper is to argue in favor of the implementation of school uniforms in our public education system by addressing these different articles and studies on the implementation of school uniforms. Ann Bodine wrote an ethnography about a city in the United States and the introduction of school uniforms. In her article she writes about the introduction of school uniforms and how it intersects with different aspects of life. Bodine describes students’ clothing as a “screen on which are projected all kinds of beliefs, anxieties and aspirations about children” (2003, p. 60). Through her observations of people and their clothing she noticed that the concept of dress as a form of free speech is only a tiny part of the meaning they are actually trying to convey with their clothing. (p.67) Clothing is used to express identity...
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...Jarod Kintz once said, “Freedom is being you without anyone’s permission.” School uniforms should not be mandatory for young children. Kids in schools should have the freedom to choose their outfits. Permission from adults on what to wear. Having the freedom to choose will take a lot of pressure off the adults. Even though having school uniforms lives would be easier. Everyone would feel equal, and there would be less stress. School uniforms should not be allowed. School uniforms are not going to stop bullying, school uniforms are not going to stop judging, and school uniforms are going to be costly. Today, bullying is a main cause around schools. Bullying occurs everywhere. It does not matter what an individual is wearing, or who they are, bullying still occurs. “The judgment of the Lord are true and righteous altogether” (Lincoln 280). If the...
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...Are School Uniforms a good idea? Many public schools in America are making students wear school uniforms. Uniforms were first instituted in 16th century England at the charity schools for the poor children. It was not until the 19th century that the great English public schools began instituting uniforms and even later for them to be widely accepted at state schools, especially elementary schools. In the 20th century, schools all over the world adopted this trend. American schools have avoided school uniforms for generations but started to see uniforms in schools in the 1980’s. The use of school uniforms are great because it’s very cost effective, it will avoid school crimes, and better education One key reason that school uniforms are a wise decision is that they are very cost effective for students and parents. Today’s designer clothes can cost up to 100 dollars per outfit versus four sets of school uniform can cost up to 70 dollars total. Parents that already have kids that are in schools that have uniforms; normally spent money on four sets of uniforms for the school year. Parents spent more time in stores on the weekends buying their kids clothes to ensure they fit the dress code for school; wearing school uniforms could prevent parents from having to ensure their child in the proper attire. Phoenix Preparatory Academy in Phoenix, AZ, students is required to wear uniforms. The school has grants form a local foundation that covers $25 to $30 cost of uniforms when...
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...From hallways to classrooms and late night chit chats across the phone lines, students gossip about the new policies of enforcing uniforms. Students are puzzled and questioning each other if their sense of fashion really fashionable for school any more. But one student overheard the conversation and decided to write his view in the school article, three useful and life changing ideas that would help with students and parents migrate to uniform. One promotes good discipline which can help decrease the amount of discipline problems. Two, Reduces fighting and violence this can decrease fighting and violence that arise out of arguments over fashionable clothes. Three, the low cost of uniforms is always a plus to put more money in education than in designer clothing. Promoting good discipline from the aid of uniforms may be hard to grasp but knowing how affective it will be can ease the mind. Many think that school’s uniforms help maintain school discipline, while decreasing the amount of discipline problems. A concerned mom said, “School uniforms are a part of school spirit and inculcate discipline and conformity. While students may feel that uniforms hinder their right to free expression and can become boring and monotonous, they will also be able to pay more attention to their studies and less to dressing up. School uniforms encourage discipline because they make students aware and conscious of school identity they feel they belong to an institution and are accountable to it for...
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...Mandatory Student Uniforms The irritating sound of your mom hollering “get up, time for school you’re going to be late” drives you from your sleepy slumber and into an ongoing dilemma. You have to get out of bed and deal with the constant chaotic chore of finding something appropriate to wear. Most public school systems find that teenage fashion is often not acceptable for class. To help solve these problems it would be a good idea if students were made to wear uniforms. I became interested in the topic of whether or not students should wear uniforms when my neighbor’s child got sent home from school because she did not pass the schools dress code. The child is in the sixth grade and the school sent her home that day because she had on a pair of shorts that the school said was not appropriate for her to be wearing at school due their length. Don’t get me wrong, I agree that girls shouldn’t be wearing “shorty shorts” to school for several reasons. One reason girls shouldn’t wear short clothing nowadays is because little girls are developing a lot earlier than when I was growing up. I also have had a little cousin sent home from school because of holes in the knees of her pants. The pants were made with the holes in them for style and were purchased at American Eagle which is a name brand store many teenagers love. In today’s time kids are doing things that are just unthought-of: an example is a little boy who goes to school with holes in his pants and next thing you know...
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...WEARİNG SCHOOL UNİFORMS Uniforms are seen almost everywhere in the world and are worn for many diffrent reasons. For example, sports teams wear same uniforms with each other, in business companies workers wear uniforms, students wear uniforms etc.. It symbolizies the feeling belong to somewhere or something. Uniform does not only represent companies or teams but also it gives an idea about them. Also, uniforms are used in schools and this is an arguable issue by the educaters. School uniforms are a beter option for student compared to casual clothes two main reasons. To begin with, uniforms affect students’ both accomplishment and behavioral skills. School is a creative environment where students can learn impartant things such as accomplisment self control and discipline. Accomplishment is one of the most important goals students want to achieve and they can reach their goal via discipline and concentration. Uniforms send the message that the school is a place to be serious in. For instance, if every student wears different clothes, this will remove the seriousness of school. According to experts, discipline helps students in order to achieve accomplisment. Similarly, lack of concentration...
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...Uniforms in Public Schools When people think of education, they almost always think of institutions in which people are taught; Also known as schools. When people think of schools, they almost always think of Public schools. Public schools are one of the most common forms of education. They are also one of the most difficult habitats for young people to survive in. Many people assume that because their children are around other children of the same age, they are getting wholesome, proper socialization. They assume that children are best able to socialize with each other, that they are the best examples for each other. But in reality, we know that children are superficial: they form in cliques, they ridicule children with less social standing, charisma, talent or looks. And they degrade anyone who is "different." Enforcing a uniform policy would be the first step in changing the public school system for the better. Wearing uniforms would help students to focus on their academics, give the school a sense of unification and professionalism and it is also more affordable for families and parents. Although everyone should be allowed to express their individuality through the way in which they dress, in a school, uniforms are more appropriate. Instead of focusing on who is and is not wearing the latest fashion, students can pay attention to the more important things such as class work. Rather than spending hours the night before trying to pick out the perfect outfit, they could...
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...Why Students at HIllhurst School Must Wear Uniforms C: Good Morning/Afternoon ladies and gentleman. Today we are going to present 3 points supporting the resolution: Be it resolved that students at Hillhurst School must wear uniforms. I am Cassie and I will discuss how uniforms provide equality. Now I will define the resolution: By uniforms, we mean outfits that still enable you to have free choice in jackets, shoes, socks and everything but tops and pants. Also when we mean by uniforms we mean a summer outfit and a winter outfit so the students will not be too cold or too warm. C: My first point on why uniforms can provide equality is that you do not have to buy anything to “fit in”. With uniforms you can make your friends because of their personality and things that you both like, such as art or science, not because they have designer outfits and the biggest friend group. That way, it makes it a lot easier to have friends and a lot harder to have enemies. My second point is that everyone is at the same level. No one can act like, or actually be, better than anyone else. Also no one can have more friends because they have more money. For example if there was a nice kid who was good at...
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...School Uniform School uniforms would produce a safe and structured learning environment for students. Which is the first requirement of a good school. Students that feel safe in their environment are more apt to learn and not worry about their appearance. School uniforms in public schools are becoming increasingly popular across the nation. The public school system would benefit greatly if this policy were to be enforced. Resistance is always a problem when trying to make changes. Taking all things into account, the positive effects would be far greater than the negative effects. School uniforms should be mandatory in public schools because their use would lead to higher education, less violence, and lower cost to parents. By requiring school uniforms in public schools, education will be improved and a dress code can enforce discipline towards learning. Uniforms improve a person’s outlook toward success as students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer distractions, students see the school as a workplace for teaching and learning. Students also have less stress in their lives because they are not in a fashion show or competition. Dress codes also lead to a change in grades and part of the change is because it would be easier for students to focus on their academics when everyone is dressed the same. School uniforms would also decrease violence in public schools. There would be less peer pressure toward trying to fit in with the in-crowd and distractions...
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...Should uniforms be required in schools? Dominique Groom English 147 April 13, 2015 Phoenix University Should uniforms be required in schools For many years dress code have been a major issue for schools because most students find it hard to follow the rules on what they can wear to school and what they’re not allowed to wear to school. I think that clothing is a major issue when it comes to the education of the students because if a student doesn’t feel comfortable with what they have on it’s going to be hard for that student to pay attention in class. That’s why a lot of parents believe that uniforms should be required in all schools from elementary to high school students. In my opinion I believe that wearing uniforms can be a big help not only for the students but for the parents too because it would cause less distraction and it will help lower the cost on clothing for the parents who really can’t afford to buy their children expensive clothing. Students should be required to wear school uniforms because it creates a professional and orderly environment. When students wear uniforms it makes the school look very professional because everyone is dressed the same and you don’t have to worry about students coming to school overdressed or half dressed. When schools required students to wear uniforms it eliminates competition between students because some of the student’s parents might not have the funds to buy them expensive or nice clothing. Wearing...
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...focus on their looks taking away from instead of their education and their future. “Once a young girl is to arrive at school education should be their focus, there needs to be a state law that would allow a dress code in place when at school. According to the Public School Review, school administrators and parents believe that adopting a uniform dress code creates a more conducive learning environment because students are not distracted by the way they or others look and can focus on academics.” Many times parents think that uniforms being a requirement is just a nuance and an extra cost for the parents. Although it might seem a reasonable request, to many, because school dress codes and even school uniforms are common and often supported by teachers and administrators, who frequently complain about students that have decided to push the limits of good taste and their parents let them do this. They allow their daughter to walk out half dressed showing their mid drift or wear shorts that look they are wearing bathing suits. By providing a uniform policy that does not allow shorts or skirts of a certain length and shirts that cover themselves up as well as being uniform with the rest of the students including the young boys. Also to many parents it is a burden to have to take their girls to a certain store and find that certain color or shirt. As a parent how are young girls are dress when they leave the house, is always not the first thought that comes into our minds when...
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