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New Tires Research Paper

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So, you go bring your car in for an oil change and when you pick it up, the mechanic tells you that you need new tires. You don't know what size tires you need, what kind to buy, or even why you need new ones. Do you just trust the mechanic, or do you venture out on your own? Okay, so you are going to go for new tires, where do you begin?

First of all, it's not a bad thing to have trust in your mechanics. They are going to have to fix a whole lot more than bad tires in the future. But, tires are one thing you have a little control over with just a little bit of knowledge. This way you can make sure you are getting exactly what you need for the price you deserve to pay.

The first step is to know why you need new tires. The reality is that all tires wear out eventually. Obviously if there is a huge hole in your tire, you need a new one. The rule is that if there is a puncture that is more than a quarter inch deep, you need to replace that tire. Some punctures are fixable, so make sure they are not trying to pull one over on you for more money. They will …show more content…
This means that there is not enough tread on your tires for good traction. People try to get away with this as much as possible until the tire is almost gone. This is not a good idea. It is unsafe to drive with bald tires during any season. There are a couple of tricks to knowing when your tires are bald. Every tire has what are called wear bars. These are narrow bands in the grooves across the tire's tread. When the wear bars are even with the tread, the tire is bald and you need a new one. Another handy trick that you can definitely do on your own is called the penny trick. You place a penny in the shallowest groove of the tread with Lincoln's head upside down. If you can still see the top of Lincoln's head, then the tire is bald. Do not ignore bald tires. You are now aware of how to determine if the tires are bald or not, so use that information to make better

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