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Is There a Superior Race


Submitted By Klimek
Words 355
Pages 2
"Is there a superior race?" This was one of the questions posed, and an episode, by Through the Wormhole. Currently it doesn't appear that there is. The posit from the scientists presented during the episode is that on a biological level there is no more room, in humanities current state of evolution, to improve mentally. This is supposedly because for the brain to improve, it would require much more space and energy than is readily available. For these kinds of changes to take place births would become too difficult or infancies would last significantly longer. These scenarios would make the likelihood of their fruition highly unlikely. The scientists hypothesized that the next evolution in intelligence, toward a superior race, will be brought forth because of technology and the highly social and globally availability of information. Because the changes in different things like cell phone and social media the human evolution is propelled artificially. A superior race brought forth from cooperation and a technological society. There is another artificial way, the scientists admit, that may bring about a superior race. This superior race may become evident from a very exclusive class in society, the wealthy. This is more of a dire scenario in which a wealthy class reserved all the best services and resources for themselves while the rest of humanity was left the scraps. This would eventually produce a much higher evolved group of humans among the elite, while the lower castes of society would be left behind evolutionary. This would lead to us to believe that the past political movements to eliminate racial discrimination and allow for all humans to intermingle will lead humanity to jointly evolve. Cooperation on a massive scale is what truly sets us apart from all other known creatures. The scientists from the show thought the next leap may be a sort of collective 'hive mind.' If we were to remove the limitation of nations and usher in an era of ultimate cooperation, will we then become a superior species to our current form? Only the path of humanity and time will tell the story in the end.

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