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Is Watching Tv Bad for Toddlers.Docx


Submitted By waiyanchan
Words 545
Pages 3
As long as Experts suspect that babies younger than two years old view TV as a confusing array of colors, images, and noises. They don’t understand much of the content. Since the average TV scene lasts five to eight seconds, toddler doesn’t have enough time to digest what’s happening.

While all this certainly helps captivate the toddlers’ attention and conveniently keeps them quietly glued to the television, research says watching excessive television is not quite good for toddlers. And I am going to talk about some of the major negative effects of television on toddlers in the following.

First of all, in academically, it is about low grades. There was a study of more than 1,300 Canadian schoolchildren tracked the amount of television children were watching at the ages of about 2 and 5. . The result shows that average level of television viewing shown in the study falls within recommended guidelines. Compared with children who watched less television, those with more TV exposure participated less in class and had lower math grades.

Secondly, watching TV also affects toddlers with their health. Children who watch a lot of television during their early years snacked more, exercised less, and had higher ratios of body fat and they are at risk for childhood obesity. Also there have higher chances of developing sleep problems and speech delays.

Thirdly, it affects them in mentally way. It may tend to development of unhealthy behavior. Television broadcasts a variety of programs, many of which depict unwholesome behaviors such as acts of violence and aggression. Such depictions tend to encourage unhealthy behaviors in the children watching such programs.

You may have noticed that all of these points demonstrate the negative aspects of letting babies and toddlers watch TV. Television watching can be addictive. The more that children watch, the more they want to watch. Even toddlers can become drawn to the set. Once addicted, turning off the TV can become a daily battle. In my opinion, Parents ought to remember that they are developing the habits that likely will stay with the child through their life. Setting limits from day one is the key to keeping viewing time under control. Parents are in charge and it's their job to give guidance when it comes to television.

And here are some tips on how to reduce the negative effects of television on toddlers.

In the first place, limit the amount of TV of toddler watches. Children are easily indulged in watching TV. Parents’ are better to set a time limit for watching television so that the toddlers have enough time for other healthy activities such as socializing with other toddlers, playing, reading, and more.

In the second place, parents should watch TV with toddlers. Watch television together with toddlers to help them get the best of what it has to offer, and to also make sure you know what’s in the programs that are advertised as being “good for them.”

In the third place, parents should choose kid-friendly programs. Carefully choose the programs watched by toddlers to keep the undesirable shows out of view. Parents may have a look at the television guide in some magazines. It is important to opt for educational programs. Violent programs, of course, should be avoided.

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