1. What role does TCP/IP play for Internet communications?
The Internet Protocol (IP) is the main communications protocol in the internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries its routing function enables inter networking and essentially establishes the internet. 2. IP being the primary protocol has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host based on IP addresses in packet headers. So IP defines packet structures that contain the data to be delivered, while also defining addressing methods used to label datagram with source and destination information. 3. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol that lets network administrators manage centrally and automate the assignment of IP (Internet Protocol) configurations on a computer network. Basically DHCP lets a network administrator supervise and distribute IP addresses from a central point. 4. The Domain Name System (DNS) is basically a large database which resides on various computers and it contains the names and IP addresses of various hosts on the internet and various domains. DNS is used to provide information to the DNS to use when queries are made. The service is the act of querying the database, and the system is the data structure and data itself. 5. Secure Shell (SSH) encryption and authentication mechanisms enhances security to a greater extent, because mostly the communication occurs through a medium, which is unsecured that being the internet. SSH provides multiple mechanisms for authenticating the server and the client. Two of the commonly used authentication mechanism are password based, and key based authentication.