...In fact, France is among one of the most heavily populated countries in Europe with Muslim citizens (Hackett). They comfortably wore their religious dress and practiced their faith; cultural relativism was expressed at this time. The tides turned for the worse during the wake of terrorist attacks in France by radical the radical Islamic State known as ISIS in 2015. The people that committed the terrorist attacks did not stand for the peaceful Islamic practices that were seen in everyday life, but France’s non-Muslim population could not come to terms with that. As a result, there was a divide and intolerance to Muslim citizens. It seems as though they were getting their rights and respect ripped away from them all because they all became generalized as terrorists, a term now coined as Islamaphobia. In recent years, the Washington Times wrote about how there has been regulation over garments like the hijab, niqab, and burqa, and it only seems to be...
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...Has the UN General Assembly Declaration of Human Rights, made on the 10th December 1948, stood the test of time? A short essay focusing on freedom of religion. Introduction “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18, http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml, accessed 14th March 2014) This essay will show that the rights protected in Article 18 - as with many other Articles of the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) are protected to varying degrees – to not at all, depending on where you live, the level of democracy in your society, culture and lastly; external factors that dominate ordinary democratic processes and because of the forces applied by the geopolitical and economic forces of the day. The essay will show this by illustrating often controversial and disputed examples of violation on religious freedom in France, Saudi Arabia and Burma (Maynamar) and testing the principles of UDHR on those cases whilst also considering the socio-economic and political drivers. Simply defining human rights and its elements can be complex. This is shown in the minor disagreement between the drafters of the UDHR as described later below. This essay will also use the...
Words: 2172 - Pages: 9
...Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 1, No.4; November 2011 THE SURVIVAL OF ISLAMIC BANKING VIS-À-VIS NON-INTEREST BANKING IN NIGERIA, AN OVERVIEW DR. AKINYEMI BALOGUN,* Head of Department, Accounting and Banking &Finance/Business Administration, Achievers University, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria ABSTRACT This Paper Examines and gives an Overview of the Survival of Islamic Banking visà-vis Non-Interest Banking In the Nigerian Economy, its background and Origin, a review on non-interest banking system in Nigeria compared with other countries, arguments from different analyst on Non-interest banking System, the implication of statutory auditor, the implication, the role of auditor, the laws and guidelines guiding non-interest banking in Nigeria, differences between Islamic banking system and conventional banking System, its benefit, timing, profit sharing and problem. KEYWORDS: Non-interest Banking, Islamic Banking, Statutory Auditors, Guidelines, Conventional Banks, Nigerian Economy, Overview, Benefits and profit sharing. *Dr. Akinyemi Balogun is a multi professional, a financial expert, a manager of repute, a chartered banker and associate chartered institute of marketing, fellow national institute of marketing, associate chattered institute of management. Dr. Akinyemi Balogun is the head of department of Business Administration, college of social and management sciences (COSMAS), in Achievers University, Owo. The views expressed in the paper are purely...
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