Premium Essay

Islamic Architecture


Submitted By meemz123
Words 1184
Pages 5
Islamic Architecture

in the


Many cities all over the world are developing to become important urban areas in all respects like Tokyo, New York and Mumbai. Every city has some reasons for their develop like building factories, importance of the location and much more. On the other hand there are some cities that had decline like Detroit, Flint and Cleveland because they only have depended on one resource for income. Abu Dhabi has grown through its economic vision and it is trying to sustainable its development through diversification to avoid declining.

Development and growth in cities is shown through some reasons. The strategic location of the city. For this reason, most major cities are on rivers or at the junction of important overland routes (City, 2008). Moreover some cities owe for the importance of religion and became centers of worship (City, 2008). For example the city of Rome survived the collapse of the Roman empire because it was the capital of western Christendom (City, 2008). Early cities that developed strong military forces added to their territory, wealth and importance by conquest. Favorably located settlements often became large and prosperous through commerce (City, 2008). Also some modern cities owe to their development and to the fact that they were built as national capitals. Like Washington, D.C; Canberra, Australia (City, 2008). Climate also is a an important factor; the cities of Florida owe much of their growth to the state’s attractive climate (City, 2008). Other reason for developing is the industrial revolution. Building factories in communities that had good transportation and had source of power has attracted many people to work as a result it increased the industry of the city (City, 2008). Also the agricultural productivity had increased (City, 2008). For instance, In the early of the 20th century, Abu Dhabi

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