...Running Head: ISLLC Standards CARLA JONES EDA 534 ISLLC Standards Reflection ISLLC 2008 Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Knowledge | Skills | Enduring Understandings | Essential Questions | Administrators will know… | Administrators will be able to… | Administrators will understand that… | | School culture | Advocate for a school culture that will produce successful school learning and staff professional growth.(ISLLC 2008:2.A; ELCC 2.1) | A positive school culture in which every individual feels valued is necessary to achieve success. | What is the culture of the school, and how can it be affected in a positive direction? | Instructional programs | Create and nurture effective instructional programs that will promote personalized learning throughout the educational environment.(ISLLC 2008: 2.B, 2.C; ELCC 2.2) | To build capacity the instructional and leadership capacity of the staff has to be continuously developed. | What professional development is relevant to strengthening instructional programs? | Student learning | Sustain an environment of student learning that maximizes instructional time.(ISLLC 2008: 2.D, 2.G; ELCC 2.3) | Differentiation of instruction is vital to creating strong instructional programs that lead to student achievement. | How can we organize an environment...
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...Individual Reflection Essay Abstract As a leader today, there are many challenges that you are faced with. The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) is a program that has standards for school leaders to follow. The six standards are to be used as guides to make sure the organization runs smoothly. If ever the organization gets off track, the ISLLC standards can also be used as tools to get the organization back on track. These standards also keep the community informed and a part of the decision making process. Final Benchmark Assessment: Individual Reflection Essay The purpose of this essay is to show possible solutions to leadership challenges using the ISLLC 2008 standards. The purpose of the standards and how they impact the educational community will also be addressed. The ISLLC 2008 standards were drafted by personnel from 24 state education agencies and various professional associations (ISLLC, 2008). These standards were developed to enhance the skills of school leaders in order to produce enhanced educational outcomes (ISLLC, 2008). Standard 2 The first major challenge facing the leadership at my school is students that cannot read. Many students that reach third grade in my school are reading at a grade level below and some are two grade levels below. This is a major issue because it means that the ball has been dropped and it is also the first year for the students to take standardized tests. This challenge reflects Standard 2. ...
Words: 4100 - Pages: 17
...ISLLC Standards Final Benchmark Assessment Lynn Carpenter Grand Canyon University: EDA-534 Date: October 13, 2014 Unwrapping the Standards Template * * Standard: #1(Vision): A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. | Knowledge - | Skills - | Enduring Understandings | Essential Questions | Administrators will know… | Administrators will be able to … | Administrators will understand that… | | How to diagnose the status of the school (including its strengths and weaknesses) by critically assessing the school’s data as it relates to student achievement.How to expand the knowledge of a diverse group of learners with a vast range of abilities. | Effectively conduct a data analysis of student achievement and implement successful programs that can increase student achievement By using this data to identify critical areas in need of improvement, the leader (and his/her followers) will work to establish a focused game plan for addressing needs. | Success of the school’s vision is dependent on unity and support of all school’s stakeholders understanding and implementation of the vision. They will also understand that they cannot do it alone; a collaborative approach is best.A leader will understand themselves; their weaknesses and strengths. By understanding...
Words: 6785 - Pages: 28
...developing their individual Professional Development Portfolios(PDP). Thisenables you to focus on your future developmental needs as an education leaders. The PDP will be a useful guide in your professional development throughout future EDA courses in general, and in particular will be used in conjunction with anNational Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) rated Reflective Essay that will be completed at the end of your internship. Your portfolio will in part focus on the National Policy Board for Educational Administration’s “Standards for Advanced Programs in Educational Leadership”and the New York State Standards.These standards called the ELCC (Educational Leadership Constituents Council) Standards and the NYS Standards form the basis for all coursework in Education Leadership at the College of Saint Rose. Part of the PDP will also include a self-evaluation instrument called the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC)“School Leadership Self Inventory.”The *ELCC standards are also correlated to the *College of Saint Rose School of Education Standards called “College...
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