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Issues Related to Genetic Diversity


Submitted By LanaR32
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Pages 3
Issues Related to Genetic Diversity

Genetic diversity is related to many different characteristics. “Genetic diversity refers to the number of different species as well as the diversity within the species.” ( The genetic diversities provide a way for the world to comply with the changing surroundings. As the world changes, the more creatures will adapt to their proper environments. The creatures offspring will have a higher survival rate. Genetic diversity is important because it serves as a path for population to change. Without genetic diversity, everything would look the same generation after generation. Ultimately, over time the species would become extinct.
Mutation is changing the structure of a gene resulting in a different form in future generations. DNA is constantly subject to mutation or changes in the code. Mutations can be a good or bad thing. Most are actually good for us. “The good mutations that keep the world healthy are called silent mutations.” ( But the mutations we hear about the most are the ones caused by sickness. Mutations caused by a single gene are some of the most well known diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia. Most inherited genetic diseases are recessive, meaning a person must have two copies of the mutated gene to inherit the disease. Diseases caused by only one defective gene are extremely rare. Natural selection tends to change over time because the carriers are most likely dieing before having the chance to reproduce.
Sexual reproduction by definition is the production of new life by combing genetic information from two individuals of different types. There are three main problems scientists have formulated with sexual reproduction. First being, in most living things the males do not provide any resources for the next generation. The second problem is the mating process. Finding a suitable mate can be costly and very time consuming. In some rare cases, species mating can harm the female and affect her future reproductive success. Lastly, the cost of shattering favorable genetic combinations. The genotypes than can survive to adulthood will fit in their environment. Reproducing sexually may disrupt genetic combinations and lower the changes of offspring.
Genetic migration is the study of distributions and changes under the influence of the fourth evolutionary processes. “Genetic variations describe the naturally occurring genetic differences among individuals of the same species.” ( Genetic changes is considered a good thing. In genetic migration, mating patterns are the most important aspect. When things interbreed, non random occurrences can sometimes occur. In these cases, the individuals make a choice and that choice is what makes the difference in the genetic combination. Inbreeding occurs when individuals mate with similar genotypes. Out breeding is the increased chances that organisms breed with a completely different genotype. Migration occurs when the organisms move from one place to another. It is most likely in a cyclical pattern. Migration can often be define population by the sudden rise in alleles.
The concept of effective population size was introduced by Sewall Wright. He defined it as the “the number of breeding individuals in a idealized population.” He proved with many experiments that the population would show that the same amount of allele dispersions. Population size would be said stated as the number of individual people times genetic quantity would equal quantity of interested populations. In today's society, the population by genetic diversity divided by the number of mutations. Usually the population's actual size is different and less than the number on the yearly census.
In conclusion, genetic variations is constantly changing and being derived of a vast number of genes and alleles. The constant change of the environments and capacity also make the ability of the gene to survive.

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