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It Acts Paper


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Information Technology Acts Paper
October 31, 2012
Aaron R. Cuevas

Information Technology Acts Paper The Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 was to address issues raised about a minor’s access to harmful or explicit content over the Internet. This mandated that schools and libraries impose restrictions over specific subject matter. Schools that have subjected to these guidelines also must include consistent monitoring of all online activities conducted by minors. However, administering guidelines and restrictions was not enough.
In 2011 the FCC issued further guidance by implanting further updates. There must also be an explanation, or rather education, provided to the minors about why such rules are in place, what appropriate online behavior is, and cyber-threat awareness and response. “Students will always have some sort of adversarial relationship with anyone that puts up a fence between what they want and what they should have access to, but with input on why sites are blocked and giving them a say in the process will help” (Anderson 2010).
The advances made in the Internet being distributed throughout schools as a tool for education greatly expanded teachers, or instructors, resources. The Internet became an infinite domain of tools that could be used in the classroom setting. And it is more cost efficient than supplying the information through physical hardcopies. However, the word ‘infinite’ is what needed to be regarded as a blessing and a curse. While information was readily available at a moment’s notice, without safeguards in place, obscene or explicit information may be accessed as well. Items of this nature have no place in an institution of education. Therefore it was necessary to protect not only the students but the teachers also from anything that might harm their professional demeanor as an educator. The second act to be examined is the Electronic Funds Transfer Act of 1978. This piece of legislation is directed at clarifying the rights and liabilities of those that are involved in the transfer of electronic funds. The focus was aimed at transactions that occur from an electronic terminal, computer, magnetic tape, an automated teller machine (ATM), or a telephone transfer. Like the previous act, there are regulations that must be strictly adhered to for all transactions. Such an example would be that any fees that are associated with the transaction must be clearly seen or understood by both parties. Any fees that are not disclosed in an obvious manner are illegal and prohibited. This is why many services require written authorization from one or both parties before any action may take place. There are also automated security protocols in place that provide resolution to any electronic errors that might occur before a transaction is placed or completed. This also limits the liability of consumers for unauthorized transfers. In addition the liability of the financial institution is protected from any foreseeable occurrence/error that results in failure to credit a deposit, failure to stop payments, etc. The most common use of EFT is through personal credit or debit cards. Funds and bank information is not the only information that is stored on that small piece of plastic with a magnetic strip. Personal information is also stored and is exactly why security and stability are of the utmost importance. When these advances first came available to the public, there was a widespread concern around evolving into a cashless society. While personal information, funds, and resources were now all available electronically there was a greater threat to electronic theft. “However, the predicted cashless society has not appeared, due primarily to lack of consumer demand or acceptance. In fact the existing EFT systems have been instituted as a response to the financial industry’s concern with increasing efficiency by diminishing the necessity of handling huge volumes of checks, while concurrently lowering costs by requiring fewer tellers and other check processing personnel” (Fox 1980). In conclusion, both of these acts have had a significant impact on how these electronic tools are regarded as beneficial and dangerous. While resources have become widely available to the public, safeguards are needed to protect or guard information from being discovered, stolen, or misused. With growing ethical concerns the United States has implemented these safeguards to ensure security to everyone from major corporations and stock holders to the average every day person.

Anderson, W. >. (2010, December). Children's Internet Protection Act: Balancing Compliance with Access. Global Education Journal, (4). Retrieved from the University of Phoenix Library
Fox, K. H. (1980, Summer). Another Step Toward the Cashless Society? The 1978 Federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act. American Business Law Journal, 18(2), 16. Retrieved from the University of Phoenix Library ?sid=76ff913c-1fcb-4e39-abea-78c107786b91%40sessionmgr113&vid=18&hid=20

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