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It Work Cloud


Submitted By hornberger23
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Cloud Based Computing
By: Alex Hornberger


Cloud based computing is a new and very misunderstand piece of technology. Businesses moving their IT services to the “Cloud” will cut expenses and increase productivity. In this report I will discuss what cloud based computing is, how it can benefit and business.

To better understand what cloud computing is, the key components must be understand first. When referring to the cloud, that is nothing more than the internet. The internet is a logical place hosted on physical hardware. (Ricadela,2007) Cloud computers are multiple PC’s housed on a single piece of hardware. This allows a company to get the most out of their IT investment. Instead of running one single operating system on a piece of hardware, it gives the ability to run multiple logical PC’s on a single piece of hardware simultaneously. This is important due to the amount of money that can be saved by a business, PCs costs any were from $300 dollars to $2000 dollars. To begin to utilizing cloud computing a business has to purchase a mid to high end server which will house all of the virtual machines. Each virtual machine will only use the designated amount of resources, this gives an administrator the ability to assign resources as needed.


There are many challenges facing a business to adopted the Cloud Computing. One challenge is understanding the way it functions and works, most business owners chose not to get involved in how their computer systems work in the first place. Introducing a new way of functioning could immediately scare them away from adopting this technology. A second challenge cloud computing is facing is the cost of an implantation and migration. When moving to a cloud solution, form physical hardware to the cloud could be very difficult and timely. Migrating and maintaing all of the services and data will require a very skilled and experienced engineer, which are very hard to find due to the lack of production environments. (Brodkin, 2008)One of the biggest challenges facing cloud computing is security. In a physical standalone network if one box (Server) was compromised, quarantining1 and troubleshooting that was relatively simple and straight forward. With one server controlling the entire infrastructure, one minor vulnerability could comprise the entire network. The last challenge facing cloud computing is performance. When going across the internet to access any thing, speed and latency become an issue. Increased amount of failing point make expected performance hard to deliver and guarantee.


I do believe there are challenges in front of cloud computing before it is an well accepted technical service. The biggest challenge I believe it is facing is performance. When access the computer through the cloud (internet) the performance is effected by speeds provided by an ISP. If large bandwidths are not provided to the housing office of the cloud server, performance is going to be effected and impacted tremendously. I do not believe security is a bigger risk then a normal physical computer network. If a cloud server becomes compromised it is because of the same reasons a physical server would taken over. This can all be due to a lack of administration and security policies.


In conclusion there are many befits and challenges facing cloud computing. There is always a security risk present when utilizing computers. The saving possibilities that come with moving to a cloud solution, will gain the attention of any serious business owner, and then increase the popularity and use of cloud computing.


Knorr, E., & Gruman, G. What cloud computing really means. Infoworld. Retrieved February 10, 2011, from

Ricadela, A. (2007, November 16). Computer Heads to the Cloud. Bloomberg Business. Retrieved February 10, 2011, from

Brodkin, J. (2008, July 02). Seven cloud-computing security risks. InfoWorld. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from

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