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It113 Project Scope


Submitted By highguy424
Words 607
Pages 3
Project Scope
Project Justification
Our company is a small, yet diverse company. We Employ only, the most professional and experienced of employees. Our employees have been with the company from start-up and offer a great deal of loyalty to our company as well as yours. Topologies Solutions Inc. was established in 1985 and we proudly hold a great record of completion and positive results, after completion. We also insure an “Always there” Policy in concerns to present to future customer service. We, at Topologies Solutions Inc, assure we can offer the cutting edge technology and experience needed to accomplish the project. We insure that the company obtains a high performance network for a reasonable price.

Project description
MK Institute of Higher Learning is purposing a project with the description to network a classroom based floor. This floor will consist of three wings. Each wing accommodates one distribution closet, which must be interconnected to one another. Each wing also has eight classrooms and one computer lab. Classrooms will need 2 drops and the computer labs will need 44 drops, resulting in 60 drops in all per wing. The ISP connection will be entering from the north wing’s distribution room. The institute will also be requiring that a wireless access coverage to the central lobby area, allowing 100 users simultaneously, to be made possible. Also noting that the central lobby area consists of three solid supports, holding a 25’ ceiling.
Major Deliverables * The networking of the MK Institute of Higher Learning. * Placing needed hardware. * Wiring the hardware and network. * Interconnecting distribution rooms. * 3 wings, each consisting of 8 classrooms = 16 drops, one computer lab = 44, and one distribution room. * Wireless central lobby allowing 100+ users simultaneously. * Fully functional Networking Possibilities.
Success Criteria * Fully understanding the project description and fully following implementing the plan. * Having the knowledge of networking standards and protocols to insure the stability of the network. * Fully following the timeline to ensure for a prompt completion rate. * Motivated team with the experience to construct a network.
Cost and Time Estimates
The estimated cost ranges from $25,000 – $50,000. (Depending on preferred hardware and wiring standards.)*
Below is a timeline, which also shows our work break down schedule, that ultimately shows that the project time would take 2 weeks to complete. At this end time the network would be fully functional. Objective/ Goal | Description | Timeline | Planning of the structure of the network | Planning of: Diagram network, Cost Analysis, Standards, Initial thought on hardware and supplies needed, Timesheet to incorporate to the above | 1-2 days | Buying of supplies and hardware needed | Obtaining the needed hardware, software, tools, wiring, for the needed project | 1-5 days after bought to wait on products. | Placing the hardware and wiring. | Placing of servers, routers, switches, wiring, and all hardware needed to accomplish the above. | 1-3 days (Leaving room for unexpected issues.) | Placing a drop ceiling in the lobby | Adding a drop ceiling in the central lobby to allow neatness. | 1 day (Due to already wiring.) | Installing the needed software. | Installing software to all hardware. (Where needed) | 1-2 days | Trouble shooting all hardware and software | Trouble shooting all hardware and software issues that may arise. | 1-2 days | MK Institute of Higher Learning fully online | Fully functional network now exists. | 2 weeks (From Start of project.) | (Open to change after acceptance.) | | |

The only constraints I feel we might run into would be as follows: * Schedule due to hardware and supply shipping. * Order early to solve * Weekends and pre-existing schedules on site. * Preferred time of project is near holidays * Team willing to forfeit weekends to accomplish tasks.

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