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Item Analysis Paper

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To begin with, the most crucial unit and basic important part of any assessment or a test is item. Brown, D. (2012) defines item as “the smallest unit that produces distinctive and meaningful information or feedback on a test when it is scored or rated”. (p. 41) Items format analysis defined as “the degree to which each item is properly written so that it measures all and only the desired content” (Brown, D. 2012, p. 42). Item analysis is a very useful and special to examine each particular item in a test or assessment and helps the instructors to create and make the item better. In addition, instructors can use item analysis as guidance and make the test items evaluate and revise in a persuasive way. The aims of using …show more content…
There are three major components “a stem, correct answer and distractors” (Brown, D. 2012, p. 48). In multiple-choice items, distractors refer to those items that can be considered as incorrect answers. There are some important points in forming this type of question that should be taken into account in which any information that makes the students choose the correct answer should not be mentioned. All the incorrect answers “distractors” have to be reasonable, means that they should be meaningful and make the students think about all the other items and their answers should be came in full information and know about it. Another point is that the options must be precisely short written and no need to make the students think wrongly in answering the questions. Finally, the teachers should avoid in using some sorts of options like “none of the above, and “A and …show more content…
The students will be asked to match the suitable “responses” related to the “stimulus”. Teachers are required to give “more options” (choices) than “premises” also the choices must be shorter than the “premises” in creating matching items questions. Productive response items refer to the capabilities of the learners to produce the answers than choosing or selecting. (Writing and speaking) can be accounted as “Productive response items”. Fill-in, short-response, and task items are all mentioned in Productive response items. Fill-in items are about filling the blanks with a word or phrase that missing in the sentence. The answers should be clear and short. In addition, the blank should be come after the sentence. Short-response items deal with the short answer with a short sentence or phrase. The questions should be constructed in a way that only one correct answer should be required and also the item must be clear and the teacher should avoid giving unnecessary information that is not related to the

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