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Interview With Heather

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Heather is a 39-year-old single female mother of two children aged 16 and 20. Heather lives in her home in Delta, Ohio and works at Clark Schaefer Hackett CPAs and Advisors in Toledo, Ohio. She is currently content with her live and is happy to watch her two boys grow up and face the new challenges of each day. Heather is an exceedingly happy person, who is easily discouraged by her wrinkles and peach fuzz on her face. She is a very approachable person, who is more than delighted to talk to people about her life, but a little anxious on certain topics of her life. Throughout the interview process, Heather was emotional when talking about her children and what she could have done differently when they were growing up, but stayed comfortable …show more content…
I believe this is because Heather has become fairly stable and consistent with her personality that she knows the person she will be for her entire life, which research has shown middle adulthood promotes a stable personality. While talking to Heather about her personality, she revealed that she is one to follow the rules, have ordered schedule, follows straight from the books, and has a hard tie with any change because she does not like to go outside of her comfort zone. She likes that she is straight from the books because it makes her a dependable person who can get the job done that she is asked to do. Heather dislikes her personality traits because it can make her seem uptight and prude compared to the free-spirited people around her. From the big five personality traits, Heather could be described as conscientiousness because she is hardworking, reliable, and straight from the books. Heather could also be described as the opposite of openness to experience because she does not try to seek new experiences because she is uncomfortable with change. Heather has an outgoing personality, and enjoys talking to the people she works with and telling them about her children, so she could be categorized as an extrovert. Lastly, she falls under the category of agreeableness because she is loving to her two children and is kind to those around her. During her …show more content…
The principles that guide Heather’s sense of morality are honesty, integrity, respect, and balance within the family, home, and work. She believes her moral principles were developed by the way she was raised in the church and the community she grew up around. In her daily life, faith in God is important, but she thinks it is not as important as it could be. Growing up Heather was raised to believe in God, so she knew no difference which is the main reason she does not force her children to go to church because it is an individual choice that should not be forced. For most issues, Heather likes to have God’s direction to guide her throughout the certain steps in her life to make the correct decisions. When Heather has a stronger relationship with God, she feels as though she sees the world differently, noticing little things, and being kinder to others. At this age, Heather says her main focus is to have healthy, happy children that she can watch grow into adults. This statement right here goes to show that Heather’s happiness is generated from a eudemonic form because her well-being is about a sense of purpose, growth, and meaning of life. Throughout the interview, Heather is continually talking about her children and how she wants to watch them succeed and this can be based off this happiness because it is what gives

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